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Debate Score:131
Total Votes:182
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Jean-Paul Sartre stated, "Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you."


Side Score: 91
Winning Side!


Side Score: 40
2 points

I would have to say that I agree with this statement because in order to have freedom, you must first open yourself up to the world. With the freedom, comes the responsibility of having that freedom. In the statement is says, ". . .what you do with what's been done to you," I don't think that that means that your freedom could either be a good thing or a bad thing, but it is simply a law that we have. A saying that a friend showed me stated, "Attempted to reconcile his existentialist ideas about free will with communist principles, which taught that socio-economic forces beyond our immediate individual control play a critical role in shaping our lives." I believe that the shaping of our lives is formed by the role that we play in out lives, others' lives, etc. In conclusion, I agree with this statement that Jean-Paul Sartre stated.

Side: agree
2 points

I believe in this statement. Everybody has had something done to them that has maade them recipricate to what has happened. If there wasn't anything to react to, why would you be looking for freedom. you would already be free.

Side: agree
2 points

I agree with the quote because anyone can do what ever they feel like doing, but no one can decide what is going to be done to them. I feel that's exactly what this quote is saying, because you can't decide what will be done to you but you have the freedom to decide what you will do with what has already been done to you.

Side: agree
2 points

I agree, in a sense; I believe life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% what you do with it. You are ultimately free in what you do because no matter the circumstances, how you react to outside stimulus and everyday interaction. You can choose to do anything you want for whatever that has happened to you.

Side: agree
2 points

I would have to agree with this quote because i think it is saying that you won't know what freedom is unless something is taking away from you. Think about back when slavery was going on. Slave keep talking about freedom that they wish that were free. That wish that can do what they want to do when they want to do it. But when they was finnially free from slavery. They was happy for a while, everything was good. But now of days it make you wonder are we really free. Because we still have an master and tell us what to do and how to do it. And if we don't do it we will get punish for it. So do you really think we are free. By the way the new word for master these days are called our bosses

Side: agree
1 point

I agree with Jean-Paul because you get freedom with what you earn. like for example if you listen to your parents and do what they tell you to do then that means that you have earn their trust so that mean they trust you to do what you want and you get more freedom.

Side: agree
1 point

I agree because I believe it means in a situation that happens whether good or bad. You have the choice to make your own path to dwell on what has happened and give your self a hard time or move on and give your self peace.

Side: agree
1 point

I agree with this statement because typically when bad or good things are done to people it makes them have a certain mindset about things, so if you've been treated bad it may effect how you use your freedom.

Side: agree
1 point

I agree because no matter what situation you're in, you can still free your mind and there is no control over it. So if somethin' happens to you or your family, you have a choice to feel what you want and nobody can tell you to stop.

Side: agree
1 point

I disagree because freedom is that there is no control, and by saying it has to do with what has been done to you is a slight contradiction.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I agree becasue the less freedom you have growing up the more you will get when your older and you will not care what anyone else thinks because you are getting what you want to get.

Side: agree
1 point

I agree with this statement. I believe that it is saying that you have the freedom to react. If nothing is done to you, then you can't react and if something is done to you then you most likely will have a reaction to their action. Therefore you have the freedom to do with what has been done to you.

Side: agree
1 point

I agree because I believe freedom is a state of mind, more so than an actual verb.Yes, you are not truly free if you are "locked in chains", but you are not free at ALL if your thoughts are caved.

For example, if you are free in the world but are stressed on a daily basis, working overtime everyday, and having problems daily...your freedom is debatible. Compared to someone in jail, who is physically trapped, but mentally stable and happy with himslef.

Side: agree
1 point

I support this statement by Sartre. Back in the old days, America's founding fathers helped us through what we needed under British rule. They stood up for what they believed in, knowing that this freedom that we know today would be useful for the future. It’s now what we use whenever we have something to say, whenever we want to express our feelings and our displeasures to the world around us. We’re very fortunate for this privilege we have today and so we shouldn’t abuse freedom in any way.

Side: agree
1 point

I do agree with the statement because you have the ability to choose what you do in the world, which may have manipulated or touched your life. The environment you grow up in contributes to how you are raised to see the world.

Side: agree
1 point

I think it's what you make out of the situations that you're put in. That doesn't sound like freedom at all because you are having to MAKE a decision, but that's just it. You have choices which is freedom.

Side: agree
1 point

Yes!!! Jean-Paul Sartre is right, because when bing undercontroll of someone or something you do what they want and how they wanted done. But once your free you can do things the way you want and how you react to what was done to you.

Side: agree
1 point

i agree with what Jean Paul is trying to say. I think that you chose the path you want to take to make your life better. I think that you make your life better by learning from any mistakes you have made in the past by not repeating them later on.

Side: agree
1 point

I agree with this argument. I think it's our choice to be free or not. People can try to hold you back or try to take it away from you but it's always going to be there. I guess it just depends on how much you want it. Are you willing to die for your freedom or are you going to let it go to live?

Side: agree
1 point

Yes I do agree with Jean- Paul Sartre because freemdom does mean to do what we want to do without any rules or regulations. But certain times we need to follow rules.If we follow th rules then we are free to whatever we like.

Side: agree
1 point

In my mind Freedom is being in the state of mind to do anything without having something mentally or physically holdng you back, so based on past experience or "what's been done to you" your freedom will as good or bad as what's been done to you. If the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree then you'll seek that freedom away from the tree and if you fall far and away from it then you won't do much to seek it. I may not know what I'm saying..

Side: agree
1 point

I agree with Jean-paul Sartre state because he states that freedom is what you do with what's been done to you, and I define freedom as the liberty to choose and state your own thoughts.

Side: agree
1 point

i agree because the choice you make after something happens to you either good or bad is your choice.

Side: agree
1 point

I agree with what i understand I'm not sure that i understand the full meaning of the quote. But i think its saying you can choose what you do but you cant always choose what happens to you.

Side: agree
1 point

According to what I think it means I agree because you are the one who makes the choices whether to do something or not. For example if you know that the only way of getting out of something is by doing something bad, I guess your going to have to do it. But if doing something bad causes you to get in trouble.

Side: agree
1 point

we independently have a diffrent tought of freedom. depending in youre past to are raised with a tought that freedom is our country to be able to vote, others might think freedom is the choice to do what we want wen we want it, the ability to chose our future.

Side: agree
1 point

I would have to agree to this quote because you cant be free if you hold a grudge against someone for what they have done and you cant have freedom if you worry about the same thing your whole life. You eventuallu have to get past the bump in the road and move on with your life and that is what I think the quote is trying to say.

Side: agree

Freedom is commonly interpreted as being able to do, say, act on, or believe whatever you would like. Though this is true, there as different types of freedoms in my opinion. If you are a child you have certain freedoms, some in which you don't understand, but that are set for your age. Slaves in the earlier years had certain freedoms, not many, nor good ones, but they still kept some to an extent. I agree with Jean-Paul's statement because the freedoms given to you in life are what allow you to act as who you are. Even if your locked away in a prison cell you can act on certain freedoms and make best with what you have.

Side: agree
1 point

yes, I agree with jean paul, because you chose your own destiny, you chose your own believes to live better. maybe some people don't understand this but freedom is what makes you happy, in terrible situations, or in your happiest situations. we make freedom, and we own it by expressing ourself freely.

Side: agree
1 point

I believe in this statement because with freedom such things as ideas and choices are given to you. In that position it is your place to take the freedom you’re given and do what ever it is that you need to do with those things. So with what ever has been given or "done" to you it is your choice on what you do.

Side: agree
1 point

God gave us the freedom that we have now in the United States. So all you have to do now is take advantage of the opportunities that are set apon you.

so yes, i agree that "Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you."

Side: agree
1 point

I agree because freedom consists of the choices which are given to you.

Freedom is effected by the choices and what you choose to do.

If a person is physically not free, but his or her mind is free they can do anything they want.

Side: agree
1 point

I will have to agree with this quote, I think that freedom is not given to anyone is taken by those who want it. When your parents did not let you go out that night it was because you probably didnt deserved it. If you would of done your homework, and your chores it would of probably been a diffrent story.

Side: agree
1 point

Yes, i agree with Jean-Paul Satre's quote. To me it means that our rights given to us and the freedom we have is ours because of what was done in the past. For example, our freedom is ours because soldiers faught for it, colors and non colors are equal now because of people faught for that, so because the rights and freedom we have to do what we want to do is because it was paid and done from the past. Thats what "Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." means.

Side: agree
1 point

I agree with Jean-Paul freesdom is not a sence a freeness but what you have done to gain freedom.You can go threw a lot in your liffe and not had freedom but you need to gain it just like gaining trust with your parents you gain than you have the freedom you want.

Side: agree
1 point

I dont fully understand the Quote "Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." What i think it is saying is that you earn you freedom by the decisions that you made in the past. Meaning if you make bad choices you would have less freedom, if you make good choices you would have more freedom.

Side: agree
1 point

Freedom is a choice... a choice to whether to fight back if a person pushes you or to take the higher road and walk away. It feels like an existentialism quote because its all up to you what the next move is going to be. Our creator gave us a great gift our minds and the ability to use them is the greatest freedom we have. We cant control what happens to us but the response which is most important that will ultimately decide our fate is in our hands....No one can take away that freedom. With that freedom we can evolve and mature as humans and in the end create a positive lesson out of all of our experiences or then again we can regress just the same way. The beauty of it is that no matter what the outcome is we control it in the end.

Side: agree
1 point

I agree with the statement.There a couple of times in my life where my freedom was restricicted.Where u go and how you use your freedom can help determine what kind of person you are.i beleive if your sustainable to change and willing to embrace your surroundings than you will always be free in a way.

Side: agree

I agree with the quote because you can make any type of decision you want which is freedom. Some of the freedom we have is results of something that has happened to us and it makes us do things even if we have to suffer consequences but its our freedom to decide what to do.

Side: agree
1 point

Yes I do agree with Mr. Sartre because freemdom does mean to do what we want to do without any rules or regulations. But certain times we need to follow rules. If we follow th rules then we are free to do anything we desire.

Side: agree
1 point

Yes I do agree with Mr. Sartre because freemdom does mean to do what we want to do without any rules or regulations. But certain times we need to follow rules. If we follow th rules then we are free to do anything we desire.

Side: agree
1 point

lets say you were beaten half to death by some crazy guy, and you live in fear all you life. your scared to come out of you room and you end up living with you parents. That is a choice that you make. instead of conquering your fear, you act like a little two year old girl. But their still hope for you. you just need the guts to not be scared all the time. what im trying to say is that freedom is a choice of how you respond to to things that have happened to you.

Side: agree
1 point

I agree, because you might not ever take a chance of

changing what you have now , but if you do you will

have freedom out of your own choices......

Side: agree
1 point

i agree that this is my side for one main reason! Because the freedom i have right now is the same freedom someone fought for and worked hard for me to have. If it wasn't for those people such as soldiers, workers, and pioneers then i wouldn't be able to sit next to the person in my class because of my skin color. Now that that has been done i have the freedom to do what i want if it is according to the law.

Side: agree
1 point

I support the quote because I think that we have freedom to do anything but there are some things that do come in life that we can't help. From there we get the freedom to decide what we would like to do then.

Side: agree
1 point

i agree that this is my side for one main reason! Because the freedom i have right now is the same freedom someone fought for and worked hard for me to have. If it wasn't for those people such as soldiers, workers, and pioneers then i wouldn't be able to sit next to the person in my class because of my skin color. Now that that has been done i have the freedom to do what i want if it is according to the law.

Side: agree
1 point

i agree because you can choose what you want to do with your life. its your choose and you have the freedom to do what ever you want and think what ever you want. its your life live it how ever you want.

Side: agree
1 point

Freedom is given to you by birth. No person can take your freedom away. If a man were to give you money without you asking, this man has the liberty to do that because no law makes this transaction illegal. However, you too have the decision to do the same, but it always comes down to what you want to do.

Side: agree
1 point

I agree with this quote. People can do whatever they want to with their lives, so depending on how you take what people do to you, you can be successful or not. Take the slaves for example, they were taken from their land, brought here unwillingly and yet, look hiow successful some African-Americans have become. It all has to do with how you take things, whether or not you get offended. If you take most things with stride then you shouldn't have too many problems.

Side: agree
1 point

If a person is in prison becaue someone "snitched" on them, eventually when they get out that person would have the"freedom" to either go out and seek revenge or let it be:maybe take it as a learning experience. In saying that I agree that freedom is what you do to what has been done to you. Based on your limits and the rules and guidelines set you have "certain freedoms" not ." O I can do whatever i want" freedoms.

Side: agree
1 point

Freedom is the power to live the unalienable rights (Life, Liberty. and the pursuit of happiness) to the fullest. So, I agree with Jean- Paul's quote, for example if Lee comes to my house and completely trashes it out I have the freedom to kick him out, because he went against my happiness. So, If someone does something good or bad to your freedom could give a response to them.

Side: agree
1 point

With what has been done to you, you can use that to get better, and use that as to get to where you want to be and have, which is freedom. Freedom can be what ever you want it to be, freedom really dont have a stopping point, but there is always consequences to everything everybody do. But you decide what its going to be, which is also your freedom to.

Side: agree
1 point

I think that freedom is having the right to do what you want when ever you want it. freedom is having no limits just doing what you want but without doing the wrong things.

Side: agree

"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you."

In some places, fantasy worlds produced for the public to view or reality thinking in books, people have different opinions. I am going to tell everyone about the time I saw the Anime Gundam Seed. One of the main characters, Kira Yamato, becomes the pilot of The Freedom, a Gundam, and before he boards this mobile suit he is told words around the lines:

"Power is based on what you do, and what you want to do."

The time takes place during the first "Bloody Valentine War" and Kira uses this new power to help others. In this case, freedom is represented as a Gundam. Power is not about what the statement that was shown at the beginning of this reply, but the name is. The Freedom takes flight to Earth and

Side: agree
0 points

I agree with Jean-Paul because no matter how strict your lifestyle is or the lifestyle your parents force you to have, you can always gain some freedom. Following what they tell you and behaving with respect will get you freedom to an extent. It how you percieve what you have and then what you do with that perception.

Side: agree
0 points

To a point I agree with that because you make do with the cards you have been dealt. In a way that is not true because some people look at freedom as “you do as you please and have no rules” but if you think about it rules are what keep us all in line. I am indifferent to it I feel freedom is in the eye of the beholder and is one of those words everyone will have their own opinion about.

Side: agree
0 points

i agree with what Jean-Paul Sarte has said because, with freedom' we think were only aloud to do whats has been done or given to us. Most of us follow the rules and just go by what has already been done because wew think that it's worked in the past.

Side: agree
0 points

I agree because some people in this world are not born into freedom until they make something to change that. Some people are born with freedom but others have things done to them to hold them back. Like in Cuba, the military tries to control the people living there but some choose to escape Cuba and come here to be free from all the injustice.

Side: agree
0 points

I agree because no matter what situation in life you are in, you can still be free in your own mind. Just because you are in a little cage somewhere doesn't mean you can't be free in your own mind. You can have freedom with what you are given.

Side: agree
0 points

We as Americans might not fully understand the meaning behind this quote, but I do agree. If you try to understand "freedom" from the perspective of a person who lives in a communist country it would not be the same as ours. Benjamin Franklin once stated "He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither." and in today's society we are more concerned with our security and have lost some "freedom".

Side: agree
0 points

I agree because you may not be free physically or whatever but you can be free in your mind. to some people freedom is the ability to do whatever you want to without rules or restrictions which causes chaos.

Side: agree
0 points

i agree with this statement. I think what he means by this is that there are things that you can't change, but freedom is what you do with the things you can change. For instance- say your family moves you across the country. You can't change that, but you can change your outlook on the situation and you can make the best of it. That IS your freedom.

Side: agree
0 points

i support this view because freedom is what has been done to you is. somepeople think that just because there parents tell them they cant go on a date and you cant really go out. that doesnt necessirally mean your not free. and thats why i agree with this view

Side: agree
0 points

I agree because no matter where you are in life i think you still be free in your mind.

Side: agree
0 points

Freedom is defined as "the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint," according to When life throws you a lemon, you make lemonade, right? That's basically what this means to me. When something goes wrong in your life, you deal with it. This making you free from the restraints of complaints, worries, and sorrows. It's freedom of self.

Side: agree
0 points

I agree with Jean- Paul, because no matter if your parents tell you that you cant do something you have the freedom to speak your mind and tell them what you think.

Side: agree
0 points

It really depends on the type of freedom he is talkng about, personal or universal. I believe in personal freedom and no matter what happens to you, you have the freedom to react in whatever way you want, or is possible.

Side: agree
0 points

I really think so too that it really is depended on what kind of freedom Jean was talking about.It is I think you can have the freedom you want and do whatever it is to it.

Side: agree
-1 points

I agree with Jean-Paul's statement because I feel that freedom is our way of expressing our selves. Also we would not have freedom if it was not for the leaders of America. So i strongly believe that the quote means, people take what others have done for this country and express their freedom throughout the world.

Side: agree
-1 points

I dont know what this really means but am starting to understanding. for some people freedom is like having everythieng an goign everywhere they want. Other people are happy even if their parents dont let them go out. everyone makes their own freedom.

Side: agree
-2 points
-2 points
-2 points
-2 points
-2 points
-2 points
-3 points
3 points


1. the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.

2. the power to determine action without restraint.

I feel that freedom can either be chosen by yourself or given by others, but in the end the choice is still yours. You can let yourself be controlled by others, but at the same time have total freedom in your mind. "What's been done to you," has no affect on your freedom.

Side: Disagree
4 points

A man locked in a closet gets daily visits. Not for food, but to get his daily beatings. Three years have past and he feels like all his freedom has been stripped away. The same man experiences a different day. Instead of someone walking in with a whip, they bring him a meal. This continues for the next few days. Although this man is still locked in a dark closet he now feels free.

Side: Disagree
2 points

I disagree with this Jean-Paul, everyone should have freedom no matter what has happen to them. Freedom is a born right you have and a right you should get. Although there are rules and regulations these don’t take away from your freedom, they are there for your guidance and safety.

Side: Disagree
2 points

I would have to say i disagree. Regardless everyone should have freedom. Im not saying run around and paint the town red, but you shouldnt have to wait for something to be done to you to have freedom.

Side: Disagree
2 points

i disagree whit this statement. freedom is always whit you no matter what you do, what you been through or how you live your life. so it all gets down to the person to discover what freedom means to him or her so they can live by it.

Side: Disagree
2 points

i feel that freedom is just being to do what you wan to done and not whats been done to you because when you do what you want but its because of what has been done with you then i feel that you are being restricted and dont have the full freedom to be able to do what you want.

Side: Disagree
2 points

Freedom is the ability for a person to choose his destiny or what he wants to do with his life. This quote makes me think that Jean-Paul was only describing hardships of what other people, for example, African Americans, went through because they did not have freedom and now they do. I believe that you can do whatever you like, but not because someone has done something to you, just because you are a human being and you have rights

Side: Disagree
1 point

i disagree because i think that anyone can have as much freedom as they want, regardless of whats happen to them in there life.

Side: Disagree

I disagree with this statement. The reason for this is because everyone is TRULY free because it is our God given right, but it depends on the man to make it so that they can stay free.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree.

Freedom is what one does with

the freedom they do have, rather than

what is done to them. A disagree with

Mr.Sarte because Freedom can also be

a State-of-Mind. One may be enslaved

by chains, walls, or laws, but everyone

has the option to be FREE. So i will

make my own quote: "Freedom is intended

to be FREE, but how you shield it's preciousness

is personal. 12.16.08

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree with Jean-Paul Sartre's statement. Freedom means one is able to express and to act the way they feel. Freedom is one's own choice and "...what's been done to you" does not shape one's own freedom.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree with Jean-Paul because, freedom is what you do but not always what's been done to you. That's really why disagree with him...

Side: Disagree
1 point

I believe freedom is being able to do anything that you want to do. I believe if you are trully free than no one else can do anything to you that limits your freedom. If you are truly free it won't matter what has been done to you because only you will have control of what you are capable of.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree because i dont think your freedom has anything to do with the things that have happened to you. You freedom depends on the decisins you choose to make in life.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree with the statement because our freedom has nothing to do with whats been done to you its what you choose to make it out to be.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Someone will always have the freedom to do things, such as to think and have their own opinions. Even if your locked up you can still do things in your mind. Anyone can still have their freedom regardless what has been done to them.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I believe that there is no other power that can affect one's freedom. Other powers may make one's freedom illegal in any way, but essentially does not take it away. One may still be able to be free outside of that powers boundaries or on their own. There are consequences for breaking laws, if being free is illegal, but you can always choose to make your own decisions. What has been done to an individual cannot truly take away someone's freedom.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree,

What about the people who make wrong choices based on what happend to them? They might end up in prison. Is that freedom!?

Side: Disagree
1 point

There are certain situations which may hinder one from getting what they want, but there is always a choice- either keep fighting or settle for an alternate.

Ultimately, it depends on who you recognize as the authorities in your life.

You stick with what you have been taught growing up- up to you.

Whether you stray away from what you have learned from mainstream society- also up to you.

Be a Charles Manson or a Martin Luther King Jr.- it's all up to you.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree with Jean-Paul Sartre because I feel as though that your freedom is something you conduct, not what has been done to you.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree. I think freedom is something enables you to do and say the things u want to a certain extent. of course there will always be limitations but i dont think what has been done to you has anything with one's freedom

Side: Disagree
1 point

Its about taking a bad situation and turning it in to something good for you. I agree because you take the little freedom that you have and run with it your own way.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Freedom is not what you do with anything that has been done to you. The past may change your thoughts on certain things and your mind is where your freedom is. You can thin anything you like, make any choices you like. No one or nothing can ultimately control you except you.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I will not support Sartre's statement. Everyone is born with freedom, whether it be freedom of speech, freedom to write whatever you want, and freedom to do what ever we feel is necessary to do. Well rounded human beings do have the right to do whatever they feel like doing no matter what has been done to them in the past. I believe that what has happend to you in the past or what will happend to you in the future is not what depicts your freedom, ultimately it is what you do that makes you free to do what ever you want, which is freedom.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I Disagree because you can be free how ever you choose to be free. What is done to you doesn't effect your freedom in any kind of way. If you use your freedom how you want to then whatever is done to you doesn't have anything to do with it.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree because you are born with freedom, no on can take it from you. No matter what has happen to person in life or what they have done in life. No one has the right to take it away, and no one can. For example if a criminal does something wrong his freedom is still not taken away, because he has freedom in prison. He has the freedom to eat if he wants to, or don’t eat. He has the freedom to sleep or not to sleep. He has the freedom to watch TV or not watch TV. Freedom is what a person chooses to do, not what has been to them.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I agree with this, because i haven't done anything in my life time to say i caused my freedom to come about. It was people before that set forth the freedom i have and that people of are country have.

Side: agree
1 point

I agree and disagree with this quote, but I more so disagree. Freedom is something we have faught for and earned. No one handed it to us on a silver platter; it wasnt that easy. Men and women of our country gave their lives for us to be free.

We can make our own choices, say what we want to say, and do as we please all because we are free.

Side: Disagree