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RSS Igordelima

Reward Points:17
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

The goverenment has the right to basically do watever they want. If they wanted to monitor people, it doesnt matter if they are suspicious or not, they can do it. However, i disagree with this action. A man should have his privacy no matter what he has. What classifies a person as suspicious really? Does he have to rob a bank? or kill a man? What if a man has done nothing wrong but is blamed for an unruly action? Is it fair for him? I think not.

0 points

To have a father is better than to not have one at all. I know that a lousy father is very bad to have and he probaly wont do all the things that a good father would do, but at least yo have that assurance that you have someone that is a father in your life. I beileve that people can change. You can never feel the same way about somebody for your whole life. There will come a time in his life that he will realize that he needs to be there for you. You have no father, then you have no chance of that at all.

2 points

It would be very hard to turn your own spouse in, especially if you really love them and truly care for them. If my wife were to kill somebody, then I would do whatever it takes to hide what she did. Imagine how you would feel when your wife is in jail, and your at home alone missing her and theres nothing you can do about it. Thats something most people dont want to go through.

1 point

Iy would be very hard to turn your own spouse in, especially if you really love them and truly care for them. If my wife were to kill somebody, then I would do whatever it takes to hide what she did. Imagine how you would feel when your wife is in jail, and your at home alone missing her and theres nothing you can do about it. Thats something most people dont want to go through.

1 point

Everybody has goals and things that they want to accomplish in life. However, a person that helps the community and puts other people in front of themselves will most surely live a better life. If you really think about it, advancing the common good is basically a win-win situation. You get the support of other people, and you can also get recognition for yourself as a reward for your help.

2 points

Although I believe and acknowledge that Shakespeare was a great and legendery writer, I do not think it is mandotory that we read this kind of literature in high school. If you ask most of the people that are still in high school about the stories of Shakespeare, they will look at you with a blank face of confusion. A story of like McBeth or Hamlet would be better understood by a college student that knows more about litereature and of the old English language

2 points

Freedom is the ability for a person to choose his destiny or what he wants to do with his life. This quote makes me think that Jean-Paul was only describing hardships of what other people, for example, African Americans, went through because they did not have freedom and now they do. I believe that you can do whatever you like, but not because someone has done something to you, just because you are a human being and you have rights

3 points

In my opinion, being wealthy can get you more in life than being well respected. Beind well respected cannot buy you things or supply your needs. If you are wealthy than you can earn respect by for example, giving money to charity, or helping another person that is in need of money. If you do that then people will respect you. Being respected is a very good thing but being wealthy can get you anything you desire, even respect.

1 point

I believe that Batman is more heroic because he is mortal and doesnt need special powers to fight crime.

1 point

Creativity is everywhere. Whenever a person thinks of a new idea, he is being creative by using his imagination. I belive that schools do not kill creativity. Students think that school is just a place just to come and learn and study. Thats wrong. School is a place where you can come and share new ideas and have fun and leran how to do new things. There are many activities in the school that require students to come up with new ideas and use their imagination. Therefore, i believe that school is the most important place to be creative.

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