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RSS Ashgomez

Reward Points:14
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10 most recent arguments.
3 points

I would definitely turn him in, because I would be afraid of my life ending. They will get caught sooner or later and if it comes out that I withheld information then I can end up in jail. Even though I love this man I couldn't risk my life and my family for a crime he committed. He should be punished for what he did.

1 point

Shakespeare is something that should be taught in high school because he is history. He wrote a lot of great plays and most of the time students can relate to them in some kind of way. Some things are kind of hard to understand but that is why they write modern versions of his plays. So there is no excuse not to learn about him.

-2 points
2 points

Well excuse me but I think if you wanted your kids to go to college and you couldn't afford it then you would want the help, and I'm sure that you wouldn't want your kids to work low income jobs just because you couldn't afford college for them. So yeah it does make a difference if a child goes to college!

3 points

Obama should become president because he wants to help students go to collage. He doesn't want college to be optional but required. I agree with him about college expenses and he wants to help those students to be able to afford college. McCain want to keep it the same and make it a competion. He doesn't want students to get that help. Obama seems better fit to be president.

4 points

Superman used powers to fight, so how does that make him heroic? Batman might have used gadgets but not all the time, he would fight most of the time. So Batman would be more heroic. Oh Batman also risked his life more then superman did.

3 points

I can't really say who is more heroic because I have only watched a little bit of Batman and I have never watched Superman. So I will side with Batman being the most heroic. Batman not only has an awesome car but he is always helping someone, and he owns his own company. He also has a city and a pretty nice mansion. Superman well like I said I have never watched the show or movies so I don't know what is so great about him. Batman is who I am siding with. GO BATMAN!

0 points

Okay, the whole sagging pants thing I completely understand were your coming from next time I will be more specific about the gang related comment.

4 points

I understand were your coming from but what about the rules that the schools have that hold back that creativity? For example KMAC we can't do anything funny because were not being professional or were being inappropriate. This is all because of the new principal that over us, that's her rule.

0 points

I think in my own opinion that schools do kill creativity, my reason for this is that a lot of times administration thinks it's gang related. I believe that students know were to draw the line from appropriate and inappropriate. We might have those few students that are ignorant and don't know were that line needs to be drawn, but I don't think that all the students should be punished for those few students mistakes. A lot of the times instructors push the students to do above and beyond, or they say " You can do better then that." . It seems most of the time when students listen and show their creativity whether it's art class or an essay for English class ninety percent of the time they get in trouble for being explicit or they did something that is gang related. So yes, in my opinion schools do kill creativity for students.

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About Me

"Im a Senior at MacArthur High School."

Biographical Information
Name: Ashlie Gomez
Gender: Female
Age: 33
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Postal Code: 75052
Religion: Catholic
Education: High School

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