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RSS Slayer

Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
4 points

I believe that it would be better to be fatherless then to have a lousy father that just sits on his butt and does nothing. I mean, I have a father but all he does is go to work, go to the beer store and gets drunk every night of the week accept sunday because thats his day to relax. he thinks that he does every thing, but he does'nt because he's just a lazy good for nothing drunk. He does'nt care if he drinks even though he has diabetes and he also has high blood pressure. he could die at any second, but he doesnt care even when me and my mom tell him to quit. not that many people knows what it feels like to have a worthless father. I do and it sucks, so I would rather be fatherless than have one that doesnt care about anyone but their oun happiness before there family.

3 points

I wouldnt have it in me to turn the one that I love in because love makes you do crazy things, even if it means protecting them from the law. So, I would have to say no.

1 point

Well, I take the perspective of my parents, because of the way they try to make me, my brother, the rest of the family and friends happy. they would spend all of there money and time on others than themselves.

1 point

I really dont know why its so important, because to me its just a waste of time that could be spent doing something more interesting. how can reading about what color the sky is or how angry a person looks be entertaining. It just shows how borring things like Shakespeare can be, I mean, its not like we are going to use this in real life unless your going to be a musician or something of that type of field.

-3 points
1 point

It doesnt matter if they have a ride or not, so if they want to just hang around or talk to some friends they can. Also, school authorities are stupid and pick on people when they might be talking to some one on a cell phone or just letting time go by before they have to go somewhere else.the administrators pick on certain students, sometimes by the way they look or act.

1 point

I dont think they should because what if its important like a football game or a skating competition. if they want to stay they can!

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