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RSS SSilva

Reward Points:12
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Everyone has the same amount of rights, but if the government thinks that you are acting suspicious and they believe that you are involved with something that is illegal then they have the right to monitor you for the safety of others and the government.

1 point

I think that its better to be have a father that is lousy then to not have a father at all. With out a father you would always be asking I wonder what would it would be like if I had a father. I think that the biggest hurt you can have is from someone not being there at all. All do you have one but his kind of lousy you now that he still cares about you because he was their for you when your growing up and not just left you as a bastard child. For my experience I really cant pick a side because i have a father but my father is not lousy. My father is the best all do he dint grow up with his father when he was a little kid that dint stop him from becoming a great father that he is right now.

1 point

I think that it should be kept in school, its not just letters that we are reading its more then that, its part of history. shakespeate's story's teaches us something about life. It makes us think on what we are reading and not a lot of story's have that no more you really just read to read.

1 point

I agree with Jean-Paul because you get freedom with what you earn. like for example if you listen to your parents and do what they tell you to do then that means that you have earn their trust so that mean they trust you to do what you want and you get more freedom.

-3 points
1 point

I think its better to be respected, because if you have money people really will respect you for a little while then when the money is gone then what??? If you have respect you might not have a lot of money but people will respect you.

0 points

I think that superman was more heroic then batman. Superman had more powers then what batman had. He really dint use all the gadget's that batman did you could say that he was more of a real hero then batman was .

0 points

I think that they do kill creativity because when it comes to fashion they don't really let the students be creative with what they are wearing, or the teachers might think that stuff are gang related but really they aren't, and really that hurts the students. isn't it said don't judge a book by its cover. but isn't that what the school is doing by not letting us be creative or let us wear what we want?

1 point

I think that they are needed. In first place it gives us some type of security in the school. In second place it prevents fights that might happen. And third place if their is any illegal use of something or going on then the teachers can stop it right away.

1 point

i think that you are wrong......what if they want to go.. your saying that they shoudnt go because they wont have a ride in 30 min???????? what if their ride had an emergency and count be their adter 30 min???

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