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RSS Lovely21

Reward Points:79
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

No one has the right in a free country to invade someone else's privacy without a plausible reason. What classifies you as being suspicious? In the novel 1984 basically everything you did was being watched, and being watched because of suspicion in today's society would mean that the government had a little more than limited power.Not only is it rude it might as well be a perverted act. Why would you secretly monitor someone? Though no one should be watched due to suspicion, they should at least have the right to know if they are and why.

1 point

Being fatherless would ensure that the only heartaches you have from him are his absence, and not knowing what he was like. A lousy father could come in gain your trust, and walk out on you. Some would like to believe that just knowing your father is there is enough. To me having a father who does nothing is in itself an absence because either way he knows nothing about you, and you nothing about him. I would rather him never exist than come in and out of my life.

1 point

Being fatherless would ensure that the only heartaches you have from him are his absence, and not knowing what he was like. A lousy father could come in gain your trust, and walk out on you. Some would like to believe that just knowing your father is there is enough. To me having a father who does nothing is in itself an absence because either way he knows nothing about you, and you nothing about him. I would rather him never exist than come in and out of my life.

1 point

Being fatherless would ensure that the only heartaches you have from him are his absence, and not knowing what he was like. A lousy father could come in gain your trust, and walk out on you. Some would like to believe that just knowing your father is there is enough. To me having a father who does nothing is in itself an absence because either way he knows nothing about you, and you nothing about him. I would rather him never exist than come in and out of my life.

1 point

Being fatherless would ensure that the only heartaches you have from him are his absence, and not knowing what he was like. A lousy father could come in gain your trust, and walk out on you. Some would like to believe that just knowing your father is there is enough. To me having a father who does nothing is in itself an absence because either way he knows nothing about you, and you nothing about him. I would rather him never exist than come in and out of my life.

1 point

No, I do not think i would turn them in. My response is only based on accidental murder. If they would like to confess and no longer feel the guilt, then they can do it themselves. Of course it makes me see them a little differently depending on the situation of why they committed murder to begin with. I mean if they committed murder on purpose just because they wanted to, i don't think they would be my spouse anymore. Who's to say they wouldn't come after me one day out of rage?

1 point

Usually my decision in the end is yes and no,or goes both ways. Today, however it is advancing for the common good. Making a decision to better suit yourself will help you for that moment, but in the long run who will it really help? Whereas, if you make an advancement for the common good you help yourself and other people. If you think about it we all want the world to be a "better place", and if you've noticed personal endeavors have gotten "us" into some not so happy predicaments.

2 points

Shakespeare has taught me many things. The most valuable thing to me was not to let your anger of something long ago ruin relationships now. Besides that, it gives us some variety, and lets us slip into roles and characters outside of our daily lives. He's plays a key role in literature and eliminating him from our curriculum would mean amongst other classroom teachings he is of little importance.

1 point

Shakespeare has taught me many things. The most valuable thing to me was not to let your anger of something long ago ruin relationships now. Besides that, it gives us some variety, and lets us slip into roles and characters outside of our daily lives.

1 point

If a person is in prison becaue someone "snitched" on them, eventually when they get out that person would have the"freedom" to either go out and seek revenge or let it be:maybe take it as a learning experience. In saying that I agree that freedom is what you do to what has been done to you. Based on your limits and the rules and guidelines set you have "certain freedoms" not ." O I can do whatever i want" freedoms.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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