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RSS Ryang

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10 most recent arguments.
0 points

When your at school and the principle thinks your suspicious about anything dont they watch your every move? When they think somebody is up to something then yes they should watch them, if that is what makes me and my family safe then why would i care?

2 points

Knowing my fiance i know she would never kill another person unless there is a reason behind it. If she comes to me telling me a man put a gun to her or my kid then i would tell her good job for killing him. There are reasons behind everything that happens we just have to figure out what it is.

4 points

If a person kills a person it doesn't matter if there sick in the head or not they still should get the same punishment as a person that kills a man and isn't sick. Jeffery Dahmer was a killer a rapist and a cannibal right in Milaukee. What if he said he was sick in the head and they just let him go he would still be out there killing and eating people. If you commite a crim you should be punished.

1 point

yes because William Shakespeare's writing is hard but it also is a good way to teach use and push use to learn. The words in his stories are so confusing but when we actually study and learn them then we figure out there not so hard to say and understaind. But William Shakespeare should stay in the schools when we read stories like that its like where reading college books.

1 point

Im not going to say a man is better then a woman leader. We both have what we need to do. The woman stays home to watch the kids, and the father goes to work to pay the bills. You can't really put one infront of the other. You need both to keep everything equal.

1 point

It is never ok to torture a man, but if the man deserves it then that might be the only way to teach him. I would never kill, those are not nice suggestions. We all must know the differnece betweeen good and evil men. If a man deserves to be either totured or killed then yes he should get it.

3 points

When your respected people are nice to you they trust you. When you thinck about respect that all comes down to trust.

1 point

Love does nothing except hurt you. You fall in love with someone you try to give then the world then out of no where you figure out they cheated on you.

-1 points

When your feared people stay away from you they try not to see you that much. When your loved people are always around you annoying you. Id rather people fear me and stay away from me.

1 point

School does have electives to open up your creativity but think about it. When you have math projects dont you get creative with those also?

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