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Wealthy Well Respected
Debate Score:46
Total Votes:56
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 Wealthy (2)
 Well Respected (17)

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Is it Better to be Wealthy or Well Respected? (6th Period)


Side Score: 5

Well Respected

Side Score: 41
Winning Side!
1 point

I would want to be wealthy, because if you are wealthy you will get respect anyway. Just as long as you dont get big headed with your money and think you are better than everybody. But if you dont get big headed or stuff like that you are straight.

Side: Wealthy
1 point

When your wealthy you earn respect because everyone wants to be friend because of your money. I think that the respect might be fake but its still respect none the less. I think you have to try a lot harder to earn someone's respect for a person that doesn't have money.

Side: Wealthy
5 points

Respect is a title that takes massive amounts of effort to attain. Respect isn't like money, once you lose it you can't get it back. You can earn money as easily as going to work for a few hours or even investing into the stock market. To earn respect you have to stick with it, be honest, trustful, and mostly brave. I see respect as the tougher challenge.

Side: Well Respected
1 point

Very well put I completly agree with wut you were saying. its not easy to get respect nor is it easy to become wealthy both take time and effort. Respect you try to keep it close to your heart because it is hard to get back once its but money is usally kept lose.

Side: Well Respected
3 points

I think an essential part of life is being respected. If all you have is money then people are only going to use you for your money. They will just use you and treat your horrible. But if you are respected then people will respect you, your boundries and choices. You cant buy respect. Having money isn't everything. If you dont have respect and all you have is money then it would be a lonely world where you wouldnt have any real friends. When someone disrespects you, you know that you get mad and upset. If all you have is money and no respect people would be disrespecting you all the time.

Side: Well Respected
3 points

Its better to be respected in my opinion. You could have all the money in the world but if people dont respect you it means nothing.

Side: Well Respected
3 points

When your respected people are nice to you they trust you. When you thinck about respect that all comes down to trust.

Side: Well Respected
3 points

Respect is worth more than any amount to me because its one of life's many essencils. Having someones respect is everything, and in some cases costs you nothing to get it.

Side: Well Respected
2 points

I prefer to be well respected, even though wealthy people get respect too but most of the times its just because they have money and being well respected is because of who you really are, not because of money.

Side: Well Respected
2 points

it is better to be respected rather then wealthy because with money you can have anything you want right? anytime, anyplace, etc but you can't really buy respect from everyone. You can be a wealthy hypocrite,backstabber,etc...and have no respect from anyone. being wealthy AND well respected is usually what everybody wants. you just gotta put yourself in good use. because you can be a drug dealer making good money but wheres the respect there? or you can be a doctor or artist making good money the respectful way.? just think wisely i guess.

Side: Well Respected
2 points

I think being well respected is better than wealthy. I would rather be respected for who I am then being respected because I am rich.

Side: Well Respected
2 points

if you are wealthy some will respect you maybe because of what you did to become wealthy, but if you arent humble about yourself then there is no way to get respect not even with money.

Side: Well Respected
2 points

I would say wealthy but why need wealth if with respect you have more than enough wealth by getting respect from friends and family, my mom once told me to first start by respecting your parents and you will have more than just wealth. Like the bibble says respect your father and mother you will receive richness.

Side: Well Respected
2 points

It's better to be well respected than being wealthy since people seem to have the idea that those who are well respected are ultimately good people who care about others versus people who are wealthy and care more about there success and there finances than others.

Side: Well Respected
1 point

R.E.S.P.E.C.T, you see my dear children money over everything including you. unless its your respect then its you before money. For example you can have tons and tons of stacks of money, all day every day no problem. But you first look at where you got it from. Meaning that you can be a disrespectful young lady of the night or a drug dealer, now both are horrible ways to go.

So would i stoop so low as if to go out at night and give myself away for millions? Or go out to sell illegal substances running the possibilty of getting caught an thrown in jail for the rest of my life?! okay maybe thats too much of a bad example lets get it to your level with different ones.

Oprah has stacks on decks! but she's respected because of what she does with it, and who she helps out. Not beacuse she has it, Listen if people only respect you because of your money and wealth then perhaps you should look at it from another type of view. Theres nothing you have that's more valuable or priceless than your respect, think about it.

Side: Well Respected
1 point

I would like to be treated with respect because most of time people who are wealthy are very cocky and rude. I wouldnt really respect someone that has money with someone who respects you. I love respect because they are very down to earth with you and never ever fake with you.

Side: Well Respected
1 point

It is easy to become rich, but it isn't as easy to get respect. You can't buy respect, or happiness.

Side: Well Respected
1 point

ToNisha- I rather be well respected because wealthy people are concieted and i don't want to become concieted. Whenever i get something new i have this good feeling inside and I'm so excited. If i was wealthy i would buy everything in the store and i wouldn't feel good, i would just feel normal.

Side: Well Respected
1 point

Being respected goes two ways and sometimes one way.Being well-respected is a two way deal but being respected in one way is either bought or forced respect.Respect comes from within to the outside even before everything like money.It cannot be bought or sold as it is humane in nature.Even a `church mouse`gets respect or don`t they?

Side: Well Respected