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Should the government be able to secretly monitor suspicious individuals? (5)


Side Score: 31
Winning Side!


Side Score: 23
4 points

This description of "suspicious" should identify someone as one who is a threat to the government and people of the government. If the government has reason to believe an individual, or a group of individuals, is "up to something" that could potentially harm others, I do believe they have the right to check it out. But, if when they do monitor someone and the suspicion is proved otherwise, they should carry on as if there was nothing suspicious to begin with. The right to freedom of speech and other individual rights could be violated if the government let there advantages, being able to monitor people, go too far. If, for a fact, there is a dangerous character that may harm other, yes, the government should monitor them and step in if neccessary.

Side: yes
3 points

I believe that if there is a real probable cause for the government to be investigate a specific person then they should use all resources needed including tapping into an individuals cellphone, web cam, or any other form of technology they see that will help with their investigation.

Honestly I would not care if they watched over my actions, even if I was not guilty of the crime they are investigating me on, because all they will be looking for is illegal activity and will not really care to much about what you do in your home.

Yes, some people think it is an issue of invading your privacy, and it is, but do you really think that whoever in the government is watching you really cares about anything you are doing in your home as long as it is legal?

So when it comes down to it I think that if monitoring is need then the government should do it because I know that I for one will not be commiting any crimes that would lead to me being monitored so I have nothing to worry about and neither do you as long as you don't make yourself a suspect.

Side: yes
3 points

The governments main priority, is to make the citizens of the country feel safe. If you're not doing anything wrong, then there's nothing you need to hide from the government. It's not like the government is going to tell on you to your parents for doing something. All citizens should have there privacy, but there is nothing wrong with being monitored, to an extent. It's just the government doing their job.

Side: Yes
2 points

Sure its sign that our country doesn't respect people's privacy, and sure it also violates the 4th amendment of the constitution [which states the gov't cannot do any unreasonable searches/seizures], but take a sitution like so. You've been hearing about terrorist-like people using everyday words as "code words" to demolish certain monumental sites, such as "happy birthday", which could mean "blow them away". You also heard that there was going to be a vote for the gov't to pass the "Tap Law", which allows the secret service to screen ALL calls going to and from America, yes your calls too. You decide to vote against its, until one you're walking downtown, and suddenly you hear "boom-boom-boom" and all you see is Reunion Tower in flames, while people are screaming for their lives running franticly everywhere. Once you make it to a safe haven, you hear the news reporters saying that this was all done by a phone call. Think about it....Sure you lose 100% of your privacy, but isn't your safety worth it?

Side: yes
1 point

People tend to complain and say that it's my privacy, it's what I want to do, but if you are doing noble acts and right things, why would you be ashamed of your actions or what you're doing? If it were someone that were a threat to you, you would want everything humanly possible to stop that person or to seek if they were doing any actions that were terrorist like. Plus two, if you're really worried about your personal privacy issues, then you can say no to a house, car, etc. search it is one of the ammendments that says a right to privacy unless a warrant is issued.

Side: yes
1 point

Depending on how the person made themself seem suspicious. If it's by like the color of someone's skin that people feel threatened then it shouldn't be allowed. But If someone did something really suspicious then it should be okay to keep them from threatening harm to others.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes, I think the government should be able to monitor suspicious individuals because the individuals could possibly be contacting people who want to harm you or the U.S. For example, they could be plotting a minor or fatal attack.

Side: yes
1 point

They should do that on video cameras on the streets, because too many people are getting away from stupid things, that can get them in jail. I don't seem it right for them to tap into people's phones though to see what they are doing, thats their business. But they should but cameras on the streets, like in the corners of houses and stores, because a lot of people get caught later but it happen weeks ago, but thats my opinion.

Side: yes
1 point

If you're not doing anything illegal or suspicious enough for attention to be brought towards yourself, then you do not have to worry about it. I'm pretty sure you cannot be prosecuted for something they hear over the phone about drugs, if you're talking about drugs, even then though they would need a warrant to search your home and if you do not have anything to hide then you are in the clear.

Side: yes
1 point

In general if you just look at it as the government spying on peoples phone calls and emails you would say no they shouldn't be invading someones privacy. But of course when you add the world terriost into it, it changes the whole meaning. When tradegies happen people usually dont recongnize the signs, but if the government has an oppertunity to catch some major diaster before it happens, then i think they should do everything in their power to stop the person willing to harm other people to get their point across. But in my mind I cant help raise the question as to how they know that, that specific person needs to watched and monitored? I mean if they are monitoring terriost people they must be monitoring the wrong people or else things like Virgina Tech or Fort Hood wouldn't have happen. The government really on has one intrest, which is to protect their country at any cost, and if that means spying on any person to just to keep people safe then thats okay. They cant always catch everything but if they can prevent one thing from happening then thats okay. Its all just for our protection. They just need to step it up a little.

Side: yes
1 point

Yea I do think they should monitor the people that are suspicious because I'm not trying to die at an early age. So yea I do think they should watch them really close.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes the goverment can do this but the goverment had to keep it as secret the other ways he will be kill.

Side: yes
1 point

The goverment should be able to do this because it will increase the chances of us being safe.If goverment considers you a suspicious individual there has to be a good reason for this. Other than that you should'nt have anything to worry about.

Side: yes
1 point

I think that the government should be able to spy only on suspicious inviduals if they have enough information that makes them think that this person is suspicious.

Side: yes
1 point

The government should be able to secretly monitor suspicious individuals because they might be doing something dangerous. For example commiting murder or something that can harm someone. If the government has control of what is going on out in the world maybe more people would be able to live longer and or less violence, because in this case people wont even try to break into a bank, steal, kill because they know they will get caught. Government would only be monitoring individuals they wont put your information out there endless they need to.

Side: yes
1 point

I think that goverment should be able to secretly monitor suspicious individuals. Because it could helps them to prevent destruction.

Side: yes
1 point

Privacy-the state of being free from intrusion or disturbance in one's private life. If you like your privacy don't give the government a reason to think you are doing something wrong. They should be able to see and check up on you if you are doing something wrong.

Side: yes
6 points

Sometimes in government, people can be corrupt. They can take things like monitoring someone and they can use it for EVIL purposes. Not only is this a violation of The Patriot Act but it is an opportunity for some real life corruption. Corruption only makes things worse between the government and its people. Instead of this, they should keep criminals that are coming out of jail on a close lookout. They can have them on house arrest or any type of limited acitivity.

Side: No
kayleep(8) Disputed
2 points

The reason why you don't see evil things done with the Patriot Act because like I said in my post very few individuals are trusted with the ability to hack into individuals lives. There are also ways to be around house arrest, if there is a terrorist they have to be intellegent, therefor I'm sure they can get around a house arrest brace.

Side: yes
tr3rr3llj(11) Disputed
2 points

First of all, don't you mean the 4th Amendment? Secondly, what about the people who already on house arrest? You're basically saying throw people on an island and nuke them. I'm sure some of those people regret what they've done to be in the situation they're in, either way, don't criminals have rights too? Or they animals anymore once those cold, concrete chains hit their wrists?

Side: yes
4 points

No, I don't think that the government should be able to spy on us. That would be a direct violation of our privacy as citizens of the United States. Although, I'm sure that the government already spies on certian people.

Everybody should have the right to their own privacy if they were not already proven guilty, or substantially accused of a crime. Suspicion should not be a reason to monitor somebody.

Side: No
2 points

By monitoring everything we do, I feel like they are violating our privacy. The Patriot Act was established after 9/11 to decrease attacks from enemies but it has not been very effective. For example, they couldn't stop the guy who killed some soldiers at Fort Hood or the person who crashed a plane into a government building. What if someone from another country attacks again? They can't monitor them, so what's the point of the act. Enemies will always find loopholds to many things. So basically it's useless.

Side: No
kayleep(8) Disputed
2 points

We don't know all of the terrorist attacks that have happened and that act being passed. For example, what if it were a minor attack something so small that there were no need to publisize it and the Patriot Act helped. American's don't know EVERYTHING that goes on in this world, especially on terrorists, it would just make people want to move away from America. Only a select few are graced with this liberty of knowing.

Side: yes
veronicap(11) Disputed
6 points

Because we have liberty in this country, the media, specially the TV news, make sure even the smallest detail about something that exploded or has to do with the government and people dying come out on TV. Even when it's just an alert they still show it on TV. Like when airplanes have received warnings of bombs in the plane and there really isn't, they show it. So I really don't think they keep that to themselves and if they do the media will tell us.

Side: No
2 points

It really depends on who the government is trying to monitor. If its a terriost or somebody that is trying to harm are country or a certain somebody. It will be okay to monitor that certain individual because it will prevent something dangerous from happening to us. But if the goverment is trying to monitor a individual that hasn't done anything wrong it is not right because it is ivading into someone privacy who hadn't done anything. If the government started monitor daily it would turn the US into some what of communism.

Side: No
1 point

I believe the government shouldn't secretly monitor suspicious individuals. The government is not respecting other people's privacy. I don't think they have the right to trap into people things like that.

Side: No
1 point

I believe the government Is designed to keep this chaotic country of ours in order, peace, and most important tranquility. This includes the law and protection of all individuals. I expect nothing more nor less of them.

Now If they were to spy on us at anytime or place to when they please is a total invasion of privacy. Thus not only making It insecure and a bit awkward but the people (us) would find that really wrong and might start a bit of a riot. There for not doing there job as I described earlier.

I will say that there intesions might be reasonable to know what might and could happen later on In our country this act of spying is not appropriate at the least. Honestly I think that most of our phone calls and emails usually and should be irrelavent to a possible crime or illegal action.

Side: No
1 point

The government should be able to monitor anyone suspicious of committing a crime BUT is it really what the law requires of them? It is a violation of the rights of the people though it protects others from any danger. What if the government is monitoring a person who is simplified below the normal civilian who just has a passion in reading books that contain such kind of information? It is absurd when the government monitors a person and restarints them,asks them questions,and even give out certified,secured information.Sometimes being careful too much and being curious and hasty about some things is just a mistake that leads to the real thing.You just gave a person the right exact information to use which they had no clue about.All they probably wanted was to know whats happening and has been happening.Monitoring someone is also a invasion of their private life.

Side: No