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RSS Emartinez28

Reward Points:9
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

I think that the government should be able to spy only on suspicious inviduals if they have enough information that makes them think that this person is suspicious.

1 point

If my spouse were to commit murder and confide in me I think I would turn him in even if i did love him because i wouldn't be able to live with a murderer as my husband.

1 point

Yes, I do think that the mentally insane should be tried for crime because some of them that plead that they're mentally insane but in reality they aren't, But, if they are really mentally then they should be sent to a mental instatute.

1 point

Shakespeare's work should still be studied in high school because if we didn't study his work we wouldn't fully understand old stories from his time or know the way they spoke.

We also wouldn't be able to comprehend his work if they told

us to read his stories in college. So, I do think that we should read Shakespeare's work because it helps us learn about different types of stories and genres.

1 point

I think that their really is no diffrence because both men and women make good leaders.

I can't say that men or women are better leaders than each other because there are great leaders from both sides for example Joan of Arc, Mother Theresa,Cleopatra,and Queen Elizabeth are good women leaders and George

Washington,King Arthur, Gandhi ,and Winston Churchill are good men leaders. They have both made history that their really isn't a leader better than the other they are just different in the things they lead.

1 point

In my opinion I think that torture is not right because people aren't only hurt physically but they are hurt mentally as well. They might end up being paranoid or not being able to trust anyone and torture is not right because of all the agony a person goes through.

1 point

I wouldn't want to be feared because if you were feared not a lot of people would like you or consider you a real friend they would all be scared of you and not want to get that close to you or they would just be your friend for people to fear them too.

If you're loved people will be closer to you and you will have real friends that aren't just your friends to be feared and they will help you and be there when you need them the most.

1 point

Their are some people that cannot pay for college and thats why they don't go to college, if they don't have to pay for school they won't have to deal with paying for school while they're dealing with bills and groceries.

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