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RSS Jonathanl

Reward Points:7
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8 most recent arguments.
3 points

The governments main priority, is to make the citizens of the country feel safe. If you're not doing anything wrong, then there's nothing you need to hide from the government. It's not like the government is going to tell on you to your parents for doing something. All citizens should have there privacy, but there is nothing wrong with being monitored, to an extent. It's just the government doing their job.

1 point

I wouldn't turn my wife in, but I wouldn't lie for her either. I wouldn't want my wife to go to jail. If she was a suspect and I was being interrogated, I wouldnt lie to them, i just wouldn't exactly tell the full truth. My answers would be filled with I dont know's and I'm not sure's. If she did the crime, she has to be willing to take the punishment.

1 point

Just because somebody is mentally insane, doesnt mean that they have the right to commit a crime. If you are mentally insane and commit a crime, you should be convicted and put into a mental institute instead of a public prison. If a person is mentally insane, what is he doing in the open public in the first place?

1 point

High school students don't appreciate shakespeare for what it really is. Shakespeare is very complex, and high school students don't really grasp the true meaning of what Shakespeare is trying to say. Shakespeare should be an optional subject that is studied in college.

2 points

There is no reason you should ever have to torture someone. Torture is inhumane, and unnecessary. Even if someone killed all your family members, torturing them is not needed, and there are other ways for them to get the right punishment.Torture is more like revenge than a punishment.

-2 points
1 point

Yes the government should provide free college tuition for all citizens, because the reason most people dont go to college, is because they cant afford it.

1 point

No, I do not think schools limit creativity. If anything, schools enhance creativity, by having many different clubs you can join such as, sports, band, art, student council, and dance, just to name a few. By letting you join different classes and clubs, the school is allowing you to be around people that are interested in the same things you are, therefore you can get different ideas on what you do, pertaining to that area of study. Overall, schools are helping expand your imagination, you just havent realized it.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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