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RSS Veronicap

Reward Points:11
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10 most recent arguments.
6 points

Because we have liberty in this country, the media, specially the TV news, make sure even the smallest detail about something that exploded or has to do with the government and people dying come out on TV. Even when it's just an alert they still show it on TV. Like when airplanes have received warnings of bombs in the plane and there really isn't, they show it. So I really don't think they keep that to themselves and if they do the media will tell us.

2 points

By monitoring everything we do, I feel like they are violating our privacy. The Patriot Act was established after 9/11 to decrease attacks from enemies but it has not been very effective. For example, they couldn't stop the guy who killed some soldiers at Fort Hood or the person who crashed a plane into a government building. What if someone from another country attacks again? They can't monitor them, so what's the point of the act. Enemies will always find loopholds to many things. So basically it's useless.

1 point

I agree, forensic technology is so advance today. So sooner or later they will find out.

2 points

First reason is because I am a true believer of justice and nobody has the right to take away somebody elses life and be free like nothing happened. Second, if I don't turn him in he might do it again with other people, including me. If we really love that person, we need to turn them in because that's the only way they will learn their lesson and receive punishment for it. That way, maybe next time they'll think twice before they act.

1 point

They should be studied at high school level because they are so intricate that it will help us gain more knowledge as we analyze it more. It prepares students for college level reading. So when you get to college you will be more advanced. High school is also a good level to read Shakespeare's books because elementary and middle school will never understand them. And, if you don't read them in high school, then maybe you never will.

2 points

Back in time when women weren't able to go to school, I would of said yes, men make better leaders. But today, both sexes have an equal chance of making good leaders. It just depends on the person's will. Women have an imense knowledge and we have achieved many obstacles and things that were only available for men. So now we are equal. Women can vote and work on careers that were just meant for men. Therefore women and men can equally be better leaders if that's what they aim for.

1 point

Eventhough desperate times call for desperate actions torture is not justified. First of all, torture is inhumane. Not even animals treat others like that. There are many other ways that you can substitute torture. For example, prision or death penalty and if you are going to kill them, kill them fast not slow. We are nobody in this world to think we have the right to make someone suffer. And at the end maybe the person you tortured might be innocent. Anyways what goes around comes around. Time is the one in charge to put everybody in place. So there is no reason to torture someone, therefore it is not justified.

1 point

That's why I wrote () "Not talking politically respected" and I said they are respected as persons meaning who they are.

1 point

If you are wealthy you are respected. For example, Bill Gates or President Obama, as people, are espected. (Not talking about politically respected.) Some even look up to them. Many times respect comes with money. People may think that because you have money, you have gone through a lot of education and have worked hard to be a wealthy person. So it's better to be wealthy and be respected than be respected with no money.

Also if you have money you can buy a lot of good stuff and live a good life. Therefore, I would rather be wealthy than respected.

1 point

It is better to be loved because if you are loved you will have more friends and family around you. On the other hand if you are feared you want have anyone because they will all be scared of you. So when you need someone or something it is most likely that you'll have someone there for you if you are loved than if you are feared.

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