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RSS Gabriellag

Reward Points:7
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

In general if you just look at it as the government spying on peoples phone calls and emails you would say no they shouldn't be invading someones privacy. But of course when you add the world terriost into it, it changes the whole meaning. When tradegies happen people usually dont recongnize the signs, but if the government has an oppertunity to catch some major diaster before it happens, then i think they should do everything in their power to stop the person willing to harm other people to get their point across. But in my mind I cant help raise the question as to how they know that, that specific person needs to watched and monitored? I mean if they are monitoring terriost people they must be monitoring the wrong people or else things like Virgina Tech or Fort Hood wouldn't have happen. The government really on has one intrest, which is to protect their country at any cost, and if that means spying on any person to just to keep people safe then thats okay. They cant always catch everything but if they can prevent one thing from happening then thats okay. Its all just for our protection. They just need to step it up a little.

1 point

People say that if your truly love someone you will do anything for them, but everyone has their breaking point, and murder is with out a doubt a breaking point. But I believe if you truly love your spouse you will do the right thing for them which is to turn them in, they deserve to be punished for their crime. And of course if they are able to kill once with out having a guilty conscious then maybe they can do it again and know you will protect them. Also the family of the person they killed deserve some justice and be able to be at peace. Love is a powerful thing but murder is unacceptable.

3 points

People say that if your truly love someone you will do anything for them, but everyone has their breaking point, and murder is with out a doubt a breaking point. But I believe if you truly love your spouse you will do the right thing for them which is to turn them in, they deserve to be punished for their crime. And of course if they are able to kill once with out having a guilty conscious then maybe they can do it again and know you will protect them. Also the family of the person they killed deserve some justice and be able to be at peace. Love is a powerful thing but so murder is unacceptable.

1 point

Without a doubt they should be tried despite if they are truly insane or in their right mind, no one is above the law. The mentally insane truly believe they are in the right mind and what they are doing is right. They don't understand social and common rules like we do but that doesn't give them the ride away for breaking the law. There is a reason we have asylums and places for people are like that. People that plead insanity aren't really insane they are just trying to get away with a crime they committed. If they are really insane then why do they seem completely in the right mind before and sometimes even after the crime they committed, they especially seem okay and grief stricken in front of a jury. Regardless if you are insane or not you deserve to be tried for the crimes you committed.

1 point

Shakespeare's work should and most likely will continue to be studied in high schools because he is a literary genius. His plays pretty much laid the founding floor for the movies and great American books we have today. Think of so many movies that show similarities if not based on some of Shakespeare's writing. It is boring to us today but he really did start the evolution of great literary writing. A lot of kids today don't get his writing because they are just reading it, they don't realize there is a lot of underlying meaning in his writing. He was a great entertainer with his writing, kids need to understand that and it can help them understand other books better. Because they won't be just reading it, they will actually understand it.

1 point

It really depends on what kind of leadership you are talking about and who the person is. If you are talking about sports then usually most people would agree guys make the best coaches because of their aggressiveness and drive to win. But in the business world women usually have more book smarts and street marts about things. They think things through and analyze every aspect of the options they are given. In general society tends to treat women unfairly and put men above women. For example a guy and a girl can do the exact same job and the girl do it better but yet the guy will get paid more. I feel like women tend to strive harder to prove themselves because they are seen as the weaker sex. So women try harder and work harder.

1 point

It is common saying "Treat poeple how you wanted to be treated," but it is a double standard really. The role of the bigger person has to come in some where. If a person disrespected you, then most people would say be disrespectful back, but someone always has to be the nice bigger person. In the since torture is a double standard as well, it can be justified if a person murders your family and they should suffer in prison, but if a person didnt hurt anyone physically they shouldn't be harmed physically. Emotional torure though can be justified because the person that hurt you should know how you feel if they hurt you on purpose. People can be vindictive and self-obsorbed, so sometimes yes it okay but physical torture is not okay. Yes the terriost thing is a good point but physical torture is never a right way to handle things.

3 points

I think an essential part of life is being respected. If all you have is money then people are only going to use you for your money. They will just use you and treat your horrible. But if you are respected then people will respect you, your boundries and choices. You cant buy respect. Having money isn't everything. If you dont have respect and all you have is money then it would be a lonely world where you wouldnt have any real friends. When someone disrespects you, you know that you get mad and upset. If all you have is money and no respect people would be disrespecting you all the time.

1 point

why would you want the person you loved to fear you? if they fear you then they will leave you.

2 points

If a person really loves you then they will respect you. If you make a person fear you too much then you might push them away

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Biographical Information
Name: Gabriella Garza
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Religion: Agnostic
Education: High School

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