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This personal waterfall shows you all of Maleni's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I believe the government Is designed to keep this chaotic country of ours in order, peace, and most important tranquility. This includes the law and protection of all individuals. I expect nothing more nor less of them.

Now If they were to spy on us at anytime or place to when they please is a total invasion of privacy. Thus not only making It insecure and a bit awkward but the people (us) would find that really wrong and might start a bit of a riot. There for not doing there job as I described earlier.

I will say that there intesions might be reasonable to know what might and could happen later on In our country this act of spying is not appropriate at the least. Honestly I think that most of our phone calls and emails usually and should be irrelavent to a possible crime or illegal action.

5 points

Love is something thats unpredictable, something unexplainable and so powerful. It dirves people insane and brings out the best and worst in them. Once your inlove, well thats the worst because you'd be willing to do unspeakable things.

Love is really hard to find now a days and personally, I couldn't do it. I woulnd't turn him in for anything. I mean I dont know if that's the kind of person I am or maybe im just crazy? But what ever It might be I know one thing, He trusted me, and Ill honor that.

If I ever commited murder and told him about it I hope to god he wouldn't turn me in. After all that trust I just threw out there, He best have the heart to not Fail me, That's love.

1 point

I believe that everyone has the right to go on a speedy trial. On that matter who are we to know If this "mentally insane" person is truely insane? Under our statutes a man is protected by the sixth amendment to go to court.

A mentally insane person can plead insanity but ofcourse some form of punishment for this person. A death is a death insane or sane, Its never right. Peoples disorders cant be excused for that form of crime.

Other than that I believe that everyone should be treated equal, If you can plead insane I also believe that you should have proof of it. To make things less complicated. Also "The Joker" from batman comes to mind? So lest just think this out for a minute till we can all agree to a right answer.


1 point

This is true it is difficult but I guess the person that you are makes it so you can begin to comprehend His wording. :)

nice, nice

2 points

Shakespear's work wa real complex to understand for some of us, although I would have to say that I'ts better for us to read it in high school because at this point in time we should all be at that reading level of understanding.

Also later on were bound to come across Skakespear's work anyways so we might as well just become familiar with it. Personally If it was up to me we'd just watch the movies, because statistics show that four out of five times people are more visual learners. Thus making it more "fun" if you catch my drift.

Ps. I love the way they used to talk, Shows more class than now a days.

0 points

Ok, I know most people would say men make the best leaders, but come on now!These unreasonable violent conflicts all come from the brutal thoughts of a male. From what I've seen all the leaders we have had are not at there best if not good at all to put it at that, Am I right?

Neither do i think a women would be the best leader for us, because everyone has there good and bad. With that kinda power i can see why people go nuts like hitler, bush, Saddam, The spice girls?! might as well be! I mean i'd rather have a bunch of off beat girls talk to me about spicing up the world then a man or women constantly lying to me and my countries face!

Sorry brotherins but maleni says guys suck as much as girls suck at being the big boss. enough said.

- Maleni Jaramillo-

1 point

well i think that is was really good and your sooo right :)

lol oh and by the wayyy... you SUCK! [yaaaay]

1 point

Torture is an Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion. Thus never good. unless... your a freak that likes that kinda thing which is not necessarily good. This Torture thing is inhumane and incompetent. Maybe that's why the world will end in madness?

Also I'd like to take a brief momment to address revenge, an eye for an eye is what people say but I say two wrongs dont make a right, that my children you can take to the bank, let mr.mountain know Maleni's taught you something. god is love everyone!

-Maleni Jaramillo-


1 point

R.E.S.P.E.C.T, you see my dear children money over everything including you. unless its your respect then its you before money. For example you can have tons and tons of stacks of money, all day every day no problem. But you first look at where you got it from. Meaning that you can be a disrespectful young lady of the night or a drug dealer, now both are horrible ways to go.

So would i stoop so low as if to go out at night and give myself away for millions? Or go out to sell illegal substances running the possibilty of getting caught an thrown in jail for the rest of my life?! okay maybe thats too much of a bad example lets get it to your level with different ones.

Oprah has stacks on decks! but she's respected because of what she does with it, and who she helps out. Not beacuse she has it, Listen if people only respect you because of your money and wealth then perhaps you should look at it from another type of view. Theres nothing you have that's more valuable or priceless than your respect, think about it.

1 point

yes, yes i do agree.

oh and by the way you said con like 3 times in the begining mini paragraphs.

:p (L)

5 points

Being feared had its perks, but id have to go with loved. simply beacuse of the fact that being afraid of someone with "power" is really nothing. People fear you doesnt exactly mean they respect you, their intimidated and care nothing for you.

Being loved is totally different. When your loved people do respect you. They don't fear you, they protect you, look out for you, admire you and all that good jazz! I would rather be loved than feared anyday, sure i might not be able to have that "power" of people being scared of but in reality everyone respects the kinda person they love with out having to feel threatened.



1 point

* shouldn't (SORRY TYPO)

i meant to say that they should not. okay not!

3 points

Maleni Jaramillo [Me-lo-nie. hara-miyo] thinks that the government should provide free tutition To everyone. Because there are some people that well... basically not worth the time or day to enter a college with the kindness of the government.

Some people take school likes its nothing or not a big deal, but it really is. There are also alot of apportunaties to get into a college anyways; so no need to worry about finiancial problems.

I would say "yes" but i'd have to lean more to no...simple beacuse of whats known as rights and fairness.. sorry guys.

2 points

If anything schools actually let your creativity grow more, with all the kids and people in a huge building for at least more than 5 hours every day for 180 days a year, tch come on! seriously? there are some people all over thats creativity are beyond unique. Some draw some skate, some sing, and some dance... and some.. some dont do anything!

which are the funiest one because there so creative they dont care to try anymoreeee. hahah.

I know my creativity shot up the ROOF the last few years and ill thank you all for that one.

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