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RSS Alicec

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
3 points

Because I care about my life, they should. Most likely if the goverment supects something, you're doing something you shouldn't have any business doing any way.

It is an invasion of privacy, but is losing you're life worth losing a terrorist or wrong-doer's respect?

3 points

If the man I'm down for, my husband, my boo is in trouble, I'm going to help him get away with it.

Now if he's insane, I most definately will report him, and get away for my sake, but if it's a Gucci Mane incident where as its self defense or he's protecting himself and no one believes him, it's going to be Bonnie and Clyde all over again.

2 points

D: I think that Shakespear's work should continue in college, and highschool. Fore the reason that if the School stop reading Shakespear's work over a period of time nobody will remember Shakespear. Now Shakespear has worked to hard and has been around for years. To just out the blue switch up and stop reading about him would be wrong because he has written great plays and scripts to not be igknowleged.

1 point

I don't see why we would discontinue Shakespeare after all the example of life and learning Shakerpeare has gon over in his works. If you haven't heard of Romeo & Juliet and MacBeth then either you're not America or you didn't graduate from high school. Stripping away Shakespeare is equivalent to the absence of our history.

Shakespeare is needed to explain our literature, history, and to explain us as human beings.

2 points

Judging myself, and being a woman, I'm a great leader. Looking in my class the young women excel far greater than the guys, and that's simply because personally they lead them selves well. I believe because of our generation women are coming up.

If you look outside of politics women are doing as well as men. For example Odyssey is a phenomenal

basketball, but so is Rickey. We could constantly go back and fourth and say oh this person is better than person, but I believe that our culture simply over looks women leading in other categories. I'm not saying women are better either though.

Men are not better leaders, but looking at politics and commercially they seem to be, but this don't make it a fact that men are better leaders than women. I think as years continue to go by women we eventually come to a point where we can say hey women and men are equal, we're just not there yet.

0 points

I understand this, but God also says eye for an eye. . this is a very difficult topic to debate because you could continuously go back and fourth

1 point

Torture will never make a situation better if you take the topic to a deep note, but in my opinion if it's on a personal level and you have the chance to do so jump on the oppritunity. I'm speaking on serious topics for example if someone were to hurt my mother or rape one of my cousins, that person will pay. It's that simple. Now if someone trips you and you just want to get them back then your obviously taking the situation too far. What I'm saying is I believe in an eye for an eye, you'll pay what you owe. But in the end if that's not your thing let God handle it.

1 point

People blessed enough to have riches or have whatever they want are normally not respected. Oprah is extremely wealthy, but respected also, but because she uses her money wisely.

Pompus and selfish rich people are normally the people who are not respected. I don't think the money makes us respect them, the power to choose what they do with their money makes us respect them.

4 points

Fear will only allow people to see the worst of you. Love helps people to embrace you for who you really are. If you would like to be a social outcast then being feared would most likely please you.

All people want to be loved in some shape or form, but I don't see why anyone would want to be feared because people think "oh if they fear me, then they will respect me". If you really think about it, who respects someone they fear? Wrestlers don't count.

If happiness, comfort, and respect are aspects of life that you want to be around, you should surround yourself with love.

1 point

No, if the goverment pays for your schooling, it completely tears out the hard work of actually getting into schools.

The goverment(my mother and other parents) is already paying for school now, so you're not doing what you need to do to become an adult because your parents are still paying for you to go to school.

Going away is all a process of growning up and I believe working for a scholarship or paying for your schooling is what we need to become adults.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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