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This personal waterfall shows you all of Austinm's arguments, looking across every debate.
6 points

Sometimes in government, people can be corrupt. They can take things like monitoring someone and they can use it for EVIL purposes. Not only is this a violation of The Patriot Act but it is an opportunity for some real life corruption. Corruption only makes things worse between the government and its people. Instead of this, they should keep criminals that are coming out of jail on a close lookout. They can have them on house arrest or any type of limited acitivity.

3 points

Oh my gosh, like Cosmo is my love and I will always feel the need to protect him even when he's wrong. WRONG! First of all, Cosmo ain't the best thing in this world. LOL. You put your trust in him but now he has broken that trust. Cosmo might be standing to the right of you, looking cute, but it's okay to say you can turn him in. And you can QUOTE me on that one GIRLFRIEND!!

-2 points
3 points

Yes, first of all, if they do a crime, there HAS to be a trial. You don't know if their illness got in the way or if they did it on purpose. Second of all, if they're given that excuse, that means they can kill, steal, etc. with no limit. If they do those crimes, then the purpose of stopping criminals becomes meaningless.

1 point

Yes , I understand that point, but the modern version is more attractive to us and if we're always translating words, it will take more time to study. For example, Mr. Mountain is always trying to act real modern, the students enjoy the class more and we want to learn more.

0 points

No, Shakespeare is a great author and has done many great plays but the generation is changing. People prefer and learn better under the "new school" style. The way things were written in that time period make it less attractive, less fun, and harder to understand. You can use the same kind of plays and meanings for newer ones. The more present day the plays, the more influential it will be to today's generation.

1 point

No because men are no more special than women are. Men and women are both created equal. There may be more men leaders but there have been great leaders from both genders. Men are meant for strength and labor. Women are meant for things that require less physical strength. But both can be excellent leaders in what they do.

1 point

It is better to be loved because people will respect you. If everyone loves you, nobody will try to hurt you. If everyone loves each other, the world will be a happier place. Being feared will make people stay away from you. People could try to hurt you too, causing hatred.

4 points

There are very well-educated students that can and will make a difference in this world. Unfortunately, some of their parents don't have a lot of money. Then, there are kids who have rich parents that pay way too much money for their kids and their kids slack off. These decisions could change the world as we know it. That is why all citizens should have free college tuition.

1 point

You can be creative in all kinds of school subjects. They give you all kinds of oppurtnities that let you be creative.

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