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This personal waterfall shows you all of Rebecac's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Privacy-the state of being free from intrusion or disturbance in one's private life. If you like your privacy don't give the government a reason to think you are doing something wrong. They should be able to see and check up on you if you are doing something wrong.

1 point

I would turn in my spouse after him telling me he committed a murder. I wouldn't turn him in right then and there but I would think about myself and if kids are involved I would watch out for them as well. Who knows after him killing that was his first or last doing it. Even if it was an accident I would still want him to turn himself in if it really was an accident. He could be a danger to me. If you love him well you love him but you also have to think what is more important do you want to risk your life over someone you "love"?

4 points

If you're mentally unstable and you have committed a crime I do think they should have a trial just like any other criminal who is not mentally ill. They can do the same crime as the one who is insane but don't you think the one who isn't unstable does the same crime as the unstable person wouldn't just make them, unstable? Point is, that they should have a trial. They are criminals, with a perfect mind or not, they killed or did something wrong being a insane is no excuse.

1 point

I like that we read Shakespeare in high school because it developes and expands your mind at a higher level of reading. The harder the dialouge the more that you have to read in between the lines and see the real meaing of the text. Instead of reading the modern text like any other book Shakespeare helps you visualize how it was back in their time than other books do.

-1 points

No, although most men are leaders most men vote for men to be leaders than women because I personally think men feel insecure to having a women telling them what to do, or vice versa, women vote for women so men won't run them.

While women being more collaborative men are more competitive. We are in an era of knowledge where people want to have their say, not just be told what to do. Nobody likes to be told what to do.

1 point

There should be a balance of both being loved than being feared. When being loved there can be some fear but being loved too much others can take advantage of being so loving so it should have its limited. Being feared has many setbacks. Is a feared person who desires to be feared capable of trusting others? Probably not.

3 points

Yes and No. Its like me asking "Should everyone who wants to be given the chance to learn and succeed in life be able to get a college tuition?" I think that yes, the government should provide free college tuition for all citizens of those who want to learn and be something in life and for those who earn them.

No, if it's going to be given to those who won't appriciate and take the chance to learn and succeed in life.

The people for those who are going to recieve a free college tuition should take the chance instead of slacking off and doing nothing.

Many don't have the money to pay for those who want to go to college. For those who have the money, some can pay thier way to college even when slacking off.

2 points

I don't think that school kills creativity. I think it adds to our creativity. We have plenty of classes that help us be creative. if we didnt have classes like art, theater arts, dance, and other extra curricular activities then i would say school does kill our creativity. the only creativity the school does kill is the way we can dress or come to school. for example.)facial piercings. i'm sure it says in the student code of conduct that you can have ONE facial piercing unless they have changed it.

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