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RSS Trishad

Reward Points:5
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8 most recent arguments.
3 points

If it keeps everbody safe and helps them get to their location then it should be necessary. Many people may find it offensive but it's better to be safe than sorry. In the end, it pays off because of everyones security.

2 points

I don't think torture is ever justified. Even if there was a criminal who did heinous things to his victims and tortured them until he killed them, I think he should be punished by death not by torture. The feeling you have when someone does you wrong, the spiteful, vengeful feeling when you want to make them suffer in the way you have should be quieted. It's wrong either way for any one to be put under that.

3 points

If students could go to any high school they wanted, many schools would be too crowded. The schools that were not people first choices would be near empty and would not have as much money for fundings and supplies. The reason you go to the school in your district is so they can limit the amount of students. Not only that but if you want to go to the best high school and it happens to be an hour or 30 minutes away, you may often be late and then you couldn't get credit for your classes.

High school preference isn't like college, where many have one particular school they want to attend. And even then if its an hour or two states away, you live on campus or near it so there is no chance in you being late. College costs alot of money so it's understandable that you choose where you want to go, but high school is free of charge to get into and therefore don't get a choice.

1 point

I don't think there should be a time limit on how long the president should rule. If the president is good enough to be eleceted for 3 straight terms in a row, I say why not? If the president got started on some big project to help our country and its economy that would take a litle over 8 years to complete, is it really fair to let someone else try and finish off the great deed that the original had began before him. If we as a country think one man or woman is good enough to be president for more than 2 terms, then they should be allowed to rule for as long as we keep them in that spot.

0 points

I do support the deportation of illegal immigrants because they are illegal. I think they should come over here legally and have all the responsibilities that others do. Paying taxes is a perfect example because it isn't fair that legal citizens have to pay while they don't. Tax-payers also have to pick up the slack from people not paying hospital bills and other overlly priced bills they can't afford. I know people say that they work on the jobs that no one else wants, but

1 point

A developed country should not force a developing country to do anything even if it's protecting the environment. Our country at one point was in the stage of developing and we never worried about protecting the environment; we worried about getting things done and becoming a developed country. Not only that, but it can become pretty costly to become or stay eco-friendly. Though when it comes down to it in the end it may save you money. For example, switching your light bulbs to florescent lighting may save thousands of dollars each year. But for developing countries sometimes the less eco friendly materials are cheaper and easier to use.

0 points

I do think the pros outweigh the cons because of the society we live in today. Although we killed off indians, went through harsh times with slaves, and treated people differently because of their gender I think all of the fights, protests, and lives lost for a cause were worth it. We have freedoms and oppurtunities in America that we wouldn't have anywhere else.

1 point

I dont think school has control over a students creativity. They of course have rules and guidelines restricting certain clothing and facial peircings, but that is to have an appropriate appearance for school. Every student stilll has a wide berth to dress the way they want or to wear their hair a certain way. Sometimes the work teachers give us restrict creativity but never kill. We are still allowed to express ourselves through artwork, essays, etc.

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