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RSS Jocdavis

Reward Points:4
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8 most recent arguments.
-1 points

Im the type of person that if you tell me something your promise is safe with me. When your married to one another you made vows to one another and i would think trust be one of those vows. Then to it is against the law, if its for the one I love then i would do anything.

1 point

When you can see that person is mentaily insane, you should try and run a couple of test to see whats really going on. Then to, There are those type of people who plan there mental insaneness. By just letting things that are little control there anger, which may lead to insane...

1 point

Disagree! You dont always have respect. It depends on what kind of personality you have and what you have going on with your self

1 point

I believe its better to be well respected because when you are well respected,respect comes with many things. To break it down once you have it there is a chain: You have the respect then once people respect you. You get to know people who know people that could take you on to better things like wealth. So there you have it.

1 point

I agree girl, nice points and ways to demonstrate that the way to be loved is the way to go.

2 points

It is better to be loved. When you are loved it has many pros. Like knowing people who will have your back. Having the satisfaction that you have someone who loves you, even if its just one person. On the other hand when you are feared it may seem like you have a reputaion of bad things that you have done, but you can still be loved jusnt not by all.

1 point

Yes, I think it would be n good idea for the government to pay for the citizens tuition. Being that in the end when were done with college. Were going to be the one's in the end that the government want to work for them. So, they should pay. If you want the education then, go for it. Everyone does not have the finances to pay it off. WHatever the situation maybe; whether your poor having money troubles and etc.

-2 points
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