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This personal waterfall shows you all of David17's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

It really depends on who the government is trying to monitor. If its a terriost or somebody that is trying to harm our country or a certain person. It will be okay to monitor that certain individual because it will prevent something dangerous from happening to that person. But if the goverment is trying to monitor a individual that hasn't done anything wrong it is not right because its invading into someone privacy who hasn't done anything.

2 points

If you're mentally ill and you have committed a crime I do think they should have a trial just like any other criminal who is not mentally ill. They can do the same crime as the one who is insane, but don't think the same as the one not mentally ill. But sometimes is hard to tell if they're ill or not what if that person that killed just acting ill.

1 point

I like that teachers uses Shakespeare in high school because it helps expand your mind at a higher level of reading. The harder the phrases get the more that you have to read in between the lines and see the real meaning of the text. Instead of reading the modern text like any other book Shakespeare helps you see how it was back in their time.

1 point

I don't think that men make a better leader than women.

Both can be a better leader, because man and women have equal opportunities to make good decicions.

1 point

We are all human beings and we should treat each other like that. For example the Bush administration faced alot of heat on the issue of water-boarding of "alleged" terror suspects. No matter what they've done or what they're suspected of doing because in the end we're all human.

2 points

I would say wealthy but why need wealth if with respect you have more than enough wealth by getting respect from friends and family, my mom once told me to first start by respecting your parents and you will have more than just wealth. Like the bibble says respect your father and mother you will receive richness.

1 point

Thats true if you're loved that shows a better person in you

2 points

I would say fear but na I'm going with loved because why want people to fear you if i like people who love me not fear me plus i don't think i have face of a killa...

-1 points

The government should provide free college tuition because theres lots and lots of smart students that can't afford college but thats why theres soccer and other different sports you can get scholarships.

0 points

no, but it helps me be a better a person and be successful plus i come for the fun in other words to play soccer!!

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