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Do you support the deportation of illegal immigrants? 4A


Side Score: 52
Winning Side!


Side Score: 37
10 points

The reasons we have procedures for immigrants to become legal citizens are for the protection of citizens, the preservation of our currency, and the fair treatment of workers. If an illegal alien were to commit a crime, it would be harder for our police force to track them down because they aren't in any US database. When illegal aliens come to our country the main reason is usually to send money back to their home country, this smuggling of money to outside our borders decreases our economy for every dollar that never makes it back to the U.S. Also, since illegal immigrants are outside of the IRS system, their taxes cannot be collected. Finally, if an illegal alien were to be working for a company that knows he/she is an illegal alien, then that employer could treat them illegally and the illegal aliens wouldn't be able to report them. If we were to stop deporting then these problems would get worse and worse, if anything we should be deporting more.

Note: Anyone deported should be PROVEN to be an illegal alien before they are actually deported, and necessary arrangements should be made for children and/or siblings.

Side: yes
7 points

I feel like illegal immigrants are a leech on America's backside. American citizens waste millions and millions of dollars in taxes on healthcare and benefits for illegals, who don't pay taxes because they aren't citizens. American's pay taxes for the benefit of America and other Americans. Illegals don't pay taxes at all, this seems extremely unfair, they receive all the benefits of American tax dollars, but contribute none of their own. Some might say that it would be too expensive to deport them all, but really would it cost anymore than what we are paying now to keep them here. This a very serious problem with an ever increasing amount of new immigrants with the majority illegal, sucking away at America's veins of tax dollars.

Side: yes
7 points

Yes; When I grow up, paying any money for people who aren't even ALLOWED to be here, won't exactly be on my schedule of things to do. Not that I have anything against any of my “people” or foreign people who are here, illegally, but as Proverb said “when money is taken, freedom is forsaken”.

I'd like to keep my money, and not spend it on someone who is basically a criminal (because they break the law), for them to be here. Just aint' “fly.” (:

Side: yes
5 points

If immigrants are illegal, why should they be allowed in our country? If you have to sneak into the U.S then you shouldn't be there in the first place. They need to be deported and actually go through the process of becoming a citizen rather than being illegal. If other immigrants do everything to become legal, why can't they? My uncle was illegal and he got deported and now he's doing everything to get back into the country legally instead of sneaking in. Why sneak in, then get kicked right back out? We deserve to be respected and not have illegals here while we pay money for them to be here.

Side: yes
5 points

Illegal immigrants don't pay taxes, the U.S. Citizens pay the taxes for the illegals, they shouldn't be able to come and live off American citizens illegally. It wouldn't kill them to go get some papers.

Side: yes
5 points

Illegal immigrants should be deported becuase U.S. citizens pay taxes for the illegals and they don't at all, it's not fair to the U.S. citizens who work hard to provide for their families and supply opprotunities. Some illegals come to the U.S. just to have their children be born as U.S. citizens to get the medical care, then go back to wherever they came from. It's almost as if illegal immigrants take advantage of the whole "It's a free country" saying. If other illegals can take the time to apply for citizenship, then all illegals can.

Side: yes
5 points

If people want to immigrate to our country, they should come here legally. Most immigrants come to America illegally, don't pay taxes, and American citizens are the ones who get stuck paying extra to cover their bills. We pay our taxes to take care of us, not to take care of others.

Side: yes
1 point

By definition they are illegal immagrants. They leech off of society making mony dissapear from our econemy. If I were to name a reason for our economic turmoil, illegal immigration would be at the top of my list. If our government had the backbone to enforce its own laws, there would not be a problem. Millions of undocumented illegal citizens live within our boarders today, and it is a problem we can not ignore.

Side: yes
6 points

We have to consider their families they have left behind in their country. They are not very welcome to the country but something should be done to help them gain their American Citizenship. Migrating to a different society and culture must be incredibly hard, therefore, there should not be more pressure put on illegal immigrants. Working hard to gain a better future all to be sent back and stopped from achieving what they want most. Illegal immigrants are only in search of a better way of life, that should not be taken away from them.

Side: No
6 points

Even though they may be illegal immigrants, they shouldn't be completely forced out of our country. Many of them came here and built a successful life. They should not have to throw away everything that they have worked for. We may not think it's fair, but immigrants have came here to America throughout history seeking opportunities and a new life.

Side: No
4 points

My mom is a third grade bilingual teacher, and some of her students or their parents are here illegally. Sometimes, her eight year old students walk home to an empty house to find that their parents have been taken and deported back to Mexico. These children are left alone with no one to care for them. While the people here illegally should have found a legal way to get here, I don't think they should be deported right away. There are always other things to consider, like family and dependents, as in the case of my mother's students. Discovered illegal immigrants should be given the oppurtunity to gain legal citizenship.

Side: No
2 points

Money plays a large role in the deportation issue. Deporting people costs a lot of money. First you must search for the illegal aliens and then you must drive them all back to where ever they came from. They take the jobs that no one wants so why are we complaining? We should focus on not letting more illegal immigrants from com into America. We are benifitting from keeping them here because some of the jobs they take are very hard and many people in America can't do them. I think the current issue is we are afraid of illegal immigrants BECOMING a problem, but currently it isn't. If we don't act now , this will become a problem. The government is trying to make it seem like it is a problem now.

Side: No
2 points

Immigration has always been a rising issure in U.S. The bug complication with illegal immigrants is overcrowding population and jobs. Just for that they don't deserve to be outcasts. these are problems that are for them to solve. I don't support the idea of of deporting illegal immigrants because they work so hard to get here. They have to go through so much to escape their country to come to here to america the "land of opportunities".Think about what they leave behind to seek a better life for their family. Some immigrants come here with families and spent years creating a life for their families and one day they could just get deported and all the those years of working hard in this country has no value. They come here for a better life with many opportunities, which should not be snatched away so easily from them.

Side: No
1 point

In a sense, deportation of illegal immigrants is a bit cruel. Most immigrants come to this country because of the great oprotunities that are availible for their families and childeren. And the fact that they are deported back after what they had endure is harsh.

Side: No
1 point

Illegal Immigrants are human. The fact that they are characterized as human instantly gives them the right of life, liberty and the persuit of happiness. Just because they dont have a peice of paper defining them as citizens or legal residents of a specfic country doesnt mean that they aren't good people capable of greatness. By deporting illegal immigrants out of the country we nopt only snatch happiness, but we also strip any hope of opportunity from these people . America shouldnt be ashamed of the fact that it has undocumented residents but proud because people see this country as a mean of attaining a new life.

Side: No
0 points

Illegal immigrants should not be deported for no reason. They shouldn't be deported because they are Illegal, but I believe that if they have a history of being in jail, violent activity, or neglect of their children that they should be deported. Being illegal doesn't make you bad, you may just want to have a better life in America. Not all Illegal immigrants will be bad people. Some people who are illegal may be very good people saving people's lives and such, but if you just look people up in a data base and deport them because they are illegal we will never know.

Side: yes
-1 points

Illegal immigrants shouldn't be deported because they need to have better lives for them and their family. Even though it is illegal, a lot U.S. citizens do illegal things too, like drugs and prostitution. Also, illegal immigrants rarely get caught, and a small percent of the people who get caught get deported back to their home country. If all of the illegal immigrants had to go back to their home countries, it will tear a lot of families apart and leave people alone, to survive without any family with them.

Side: No