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RSS Zirbaseer

Reward Points:4
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5 most recent arguments.
3 points

America is known to be the land of opportunities for anyone who is determined and diligent regardless of the ethnic background, religion, or financial background of any person. However, we Americans fail to consider the silent racial discrimination/prejudice that we impose on any one who looks slightly foreign, specially in places like airports where security is taken very seriously. Just because people hail from places where terrorist attacks are a consistent occurance does not mean these people also engage in similar types activities. From personal experience, airport officials tend to single people out because they have beards, wear foreign clothes, speak a "weird" language, or come from a country in the Middle East. This kind of profiling is what im strictly against because of the fact that not only does it embarass an individual for being different, but it questions the rights of an American citizen who was given freedom from such discrimination.

1 point

Abusing and mistreating a human being without their consent is never justified, and should never be allowed. To physically/mentally induce pain on someone in order to make them say or do something to your will is pure savagery. There are so many other choices other than torture which can benefit each side equally such as bargaining and negotiation that torture shouldn't even be considered as an option.

0 points

With the lack of freedom that students have when they are at school, they should atleast have some say in where they want to attend. Regardless of the location of school and the distance from the residence to the area where school is, students should have the oppportunity to pick the high school of their choice. If the location and the distance hinder their capabilities to attend school then that should be followed with consequences, but I see no other reason to stop students from going to the school they want.

1 point

The fact that a president should be able to serve more than two terms is based on the president himself. If the people find him as a capable leader for the country than they should have the right to chose the person who they see fit to lead. Nothing should be limited because of rules and restrictions.

1 point

Illegal Immigrants are human. The fact that they are characterized as human instantly gives them the right of life, liberty and the persuit of happiness. Just because they dont have a peice of paper defining them as citizens or legal residents of a specfic country doesnt mean that they aren't good people capable of greatness. By deporting illegal immigrants out of the country we nopt only snatch happiness, but we also strip any hope of opportunity from these people . America shouldnt be ashamed of the fact that it has undocumented residents but proud because people see this country as a mean of attaining a new life.

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