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RSS Marcantera

Reward Points:10
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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6 most recent arguments.
6 points

Using profiling could not be the brightest technique in keeping terrorist attacks from happening because any person with the wrong intentions could be planning a scheme to harm others. This person could be anyone, all they need is a plan and the right weapons.

1 point

Causing someone pain and agony to get revenge or even using torture as a punishment, is cruel and is never okay. No matter what the situation is, using torture as a weapon is unacceptable.

1 point

If students were able to choose the high school they wanted to attend to, then the high school environment would change dramatically. Not only would student population increase, but it would make it much harder to control such chaos. There needs to be a balance between the population of high schools and there is a system of rules that prevents complications.

1 point

The "re-election" process sounds far too complicated. People like change and there should be an opportunity for there to be more variety of presidents to vote for.

4 points

It all depends on the president. If people are satisfied with the outcome of the presidents changes, then there should be no reason why he can't serve more than two terms. People like change and if the president is a well respected man among the nation, then he should be allowed to keep his place as the Chief Executive of the United States.

6 points

We have to consider their families they have left behind in their country. They are not very welcome to the country but something should be done to help them gain their American Citizenship. Migrating to a different society and culture must be incredibly hard, therefore, there should not be more pressure put on illegal immigrants. Working hard to gain a better future all to be sent back and stopped from achieving what they want most. Illegal immigrants are only in search of a better way of life, that should not be taken away from them.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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