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RSS Trevor

Reward Points:2
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5 most recent arguments.
5 points

If it is a last means of obtaining information which could save all of mankind, torture should be implemented. A terrorist has planted a bomb in the middle of a school somewhere in the US. The FBI has him in custody, but laws against torture prohibit any kind of rough interrogation. The agents know that it will cost thousands of lives if they can not get the information out of the terrorist very soon, but their only weapons against the terrorist are asking nicely, or laying down empty threats. The terrorist knows this and taunts the agents. Think about if it was your school. All of your friends, teachers, and their friends, and their friends friends would be lost. Should the FBI agents implement torture as a means of saving lives? I belive they should. Torture is riskey, can cause the person to lie or say anything to get away from the torture, but the fact is that sometimes it works. If all of mankind was at stake, and torture could even possibly help, it should be done.

2 points

I am on a transfer to Mac. I chose to come to this school instead of Irving. I did this because I have opportunities here I could not have at Irving such as the best golf team around and superior accedemics. I do not mind driving the extra ten minutes or so to get here, because its worth it. If any student wishes to go to a school for accedemic or extracuricular reasons, I think that opportunity should be available to them because it may further them in the future.

1 point

I agree mostly. But I think that experience as a president should be a big part of that decision because it directly affects their choices in office.

3 points

In our countries past, we have had good presidents, and bad. The American people need a leader who they identify strongly with, and know to the core. It is dificult to get to know a new president every four to eight years because our views of people are based on their actions. We cant be sure that a new president will not become corrupt with power and make faulty decisions. The Americans themselves should be allowed to vote for who they want in the presidency, especialy if they have seen the pesident in office for eight years and still agree with his decisions.

1 point

By definition they are illegal immagrants. They leech off of society making mony dissapear from our econemy. If I were to name a reason for our economic turmoil, illegal immigration would be at the top of my list. If our government had the backbone to enforce its own laws, there would not be a problem. Millions of undocumented illegal citizens live within our boarders today, and it is a problem we can not ignore.

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