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RSS CooperL

Reward Points:10
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7 most recent arguments.
3 points

Having a pre-determined profile for the use of detecting terrorists in airports is a good idea. Profiling can be very useful it gives you an idea of what to look for to help prevent disasters, granted it will not always be correct and it will offend some, but that is just a cost for the safety of many. It is smart to have a certain criteria of what certain passengers should look or act like, it makes it easier to find and prevent terrorists that mean to cause harm. It makes the jobs of airport officials easier instead of having to search every passenger the same amount instead of the ones who fit the profile of a suspicious passenger. Every passenger should be searched but having these pre-determined profiles helps decide which passengers are to be searched more thoroughly. It is always better to be safe than sorry, and if it means taking these extra precautions and maybe offending a few individuals, it will help us all feel a little safer.

2 points

Torture in most cases is very wrong and inhumane. But, as a last resort in very rare situations it can be justified. Say someone you dearly love, like your daughter, has been kidnapped, and you have someone with information on her whereabouts, and the only way to extract that information is through torture. I believe then in those severe circumstances torture can be justified.

1 point

I think any student should be able to decide where they receive their high school education. When it comes to your education your own personal decisions are extremely important, you need to chose an enviroment where you feel you can do your personal best. You shouldn't be held down to certain boundaries set by your city or surrounding area. If you feel you can do better somewhere else you should be able to make that decision yourself. It is of the up most importance to recieve your education and you should be able to receive it in a place of your choosing, because it is all about you when it comes to your own education, it's all about your decisions and the paths you want to take for your future, so this should be one of those important decisions you make. Education is for yourself, so you can do better, not for anybody else, so your choice of high school should be decided by you, not by someone else.

3 points

I think the ida of a president serving more than two terms is absurd, George Washington first stated this policy after leaving office after his second term. He felt the president should always relate to his people because he is chosen by his people. He felt that if a president was left in office and had that much power for that much longer he would lose that connection with that common person and lead to corruption of his power. I fully agree with his idea on this. The president needs to have that connection with his people because he makes the decisions for the common people. If a leader is left in a office with that much power for too long he loses that connection and he tends to start making decisions for his personal gain not for his people. Think of all the nations with the emperors and kings and dictators who ruled for as long as possible, their government was always filled with corruption. The became power hungry, greedy and corrupt. America is lucky to be probaby one of the least corrupt nations in the world because we are able to have leaders with a connection with the common person.

7 points

I feel like illegal immigrants are a leech on America's backside. American citizens waste millions and millions of dollars in taxes on healthcare and benefits for illegals, who don't pay taxes because they aren't citizens. American's pay taxes for the benefit of America and other Americans. Illegals don't pay taxes at all, this seems extremely unfair, they receive all the benefits of American tax dollars, but contribute none of their own. Some might say that it would be too expensive to deport them all, but really would it cost anymore than what we are paying now to keep them here. This a very serious problem with an ever increasing amount of new immigrants with the majority illegal, sucking away at America's veins of tax dollars.

3 points

Almost any nation in the world has gone through horrible events similar to this country's. But, it all depends on how you handle and rebuild from these situations, and that determines if all the violence and bloodshed and destruction of human's rights was worth it. I personally believe the way the U.S. has handled all of its hardshiships has produced one of the most successful and powerful nation's in the world that everyone seems to want to live in.

2 points

LIMITS, thats the word that comes to mind whenever you think of school. Can you really put a limit on imagination or creativity and still be able to call it imagination or creativity? No, you can't.

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