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This personal waterfall shows you all of Tr3rr3llj's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

First of all, don't you mean the 4th Amendment? Secondly, what about the people who already on house arrest? You're basically saying throw people on an island and nuke them. I'm sure some of those people regret what they've done to be in the situation they're in, either way, don't criminals have rights too? Or they animals anymore once those cold, concrete chains hit their wrists?

2 points

Sure its sign that our country doesn't respect people's privacy, and sure it also violates the 4th amendment of the constitution [which states the gov't cannot do any unreasonable searches/seizures], but take a sitution like so. You've been hearing about terrorist-like people using everyday words as "code words" to demolish certain monumental sites, such as "happy birthday", which could mean "blow them away". You also heard that there was going to be a vote for the gov't to pass the "Tap Law", which allows the secret service to screen ALL calls going to and from America, yes your calls too. You decide to vote against its, until one you're walking downtown, and suddenly you hear "boom-boom-boom" and all you see is Reunion Tower in flames, while people are screaming for their lives running franticly everywhere. Once you make it to a safe haven, you hear the news reporters saying that this was all done by a phone call. Think about it....Sure you lose 100% of your privacy, but isn't your safety worth it?

0 points

Honestly I wouldn't have to turn him/her in because today's technology is too advance for law enforcements not to have some kind of clue or answer to the mystery.

1 point

By saying "I don't know" you are lying because you DO know. You're just trying to sugarcoat it, which in the end won't work. The truth always find a loophole in the system.

2 points

MURDER IS MURDER..NO EXCUSES! Murderers should be put to justice and given what they deserve. Sure you love your spouse with all your heart and soul but thats not the point. The point is think about the safety of the future family you plan on having with this man/woman, you sure you him/her around your children? Not only that, put yourself the other person's shoes, what if you were the spouse of that vitcim who was murder? You and him/her were about to be at the alter but in a instant he/she was taking away from you and nothing was done to the person who commited this heinous act. How would you feel? How would you react?

2 points

First off that ending was just....umm whats the word...ILLRELEVANT! And secondly what you're saying is if go and murder your loved one and plead insanity, its not a big deal? In order for you to actually murder someone you have to be in a sane mindset. Revenge or any act of murder requires planning and plotting, if you were to just walk up to someone and murder them, obviously you would be sentence to prison as a murderer not insane. So my point is those who claim to be insane and commit murder or any crime really aren't insane.

3 points

The words "mental ill" means somebody who is sick in the brain. As humans we cannot control our thoughts, no matter how hard we try. Murder is murder even if you say you're mentally insane, being sick in the brain doesn't qualify as "innocent"! If every muderer, rapist, thief & etc claimed mentally insane in court, think about all the justice that isn't being served to them. By he/she claiming to be mentally insane, thats basically a "get out of jail free" card. Once he/she is "clean" from that "mental illness", they continue on with their lives. And what happens to all families that lose their loved ones to a murder or rape? Isn't our country about serving justice to those who it is deserved?

1 point

Although we may have a disdainful attitude towards Shakespeare's works and find it insipid, in reality it helps us in the long run. To the untrianed mind Shakespeare's works are a bunch words trying to sound like english, but to the trained mind his works are these embellished masterpieces that are deserving of reverence. Shakespeare's works are written in code (Elizibethian to be exact), and when taught in school students begin understand and comprehend it on a deeper level. Basically as a student learning Shakepeare you learn how to find the details behind something, as compared to just looking at it. With that said we as students learn how to "think outside the box" rather than inside. One perfect example would be today's generation of texting, where parents are the untrained minds and us teens are the trained minds. Marinate on that!

1 point

I doubt that all women do is cry about everything. Sometimes the role is reversed and men are the cry-babies, you don't see it much, but it happens. So in order for you to say something like that you have to literally talk to every woman in the world. And as far as seriousness, women can actually be beyond serious and take things to another level, which in turn, can sometimes blow things out of porportion.

1 point

True generally men tend to lean toward the bron-side of a situation. I can honestly admit to that. Sad but true.

1 point

Not only do women have to go through the pains of labor, but as well as being demoted to lower standards of living, such as be subjected to live as a house-wife or trophy-wife. I wouldn't say the leadership position is perfect for women, but they have great potential to fill those shoes if needed.

1 point

Sure they say revenge is a best dish served cold, but why would you want to do that? Think about the future. You're only wasting valuble time on conjuring a plot or scheme against that person, causing you to miss out significant matters in your life. And doing that could send you to the Grim Reaper's door early.

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