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This personal waterfall shows you all of Prem09's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The role of the government is to serve nad protect its people, and if the government feels that any suspicious activity is happening, it has the right to monitor that activity and try to prevent it. When you turn on the news, you see so much evil happening. You hear about war in the middle east, and terror in the world, and you know that the ony thing keeping you safe is the government and the men and women fight out their for us. So if the government thinks that their is some illigam activity is happening on american soil, then they have the right to stop it.

1 point

A father is someone is always their for you. He's the one that teaches you how to throw a baseball, and comes to all of you baseball games. A father is someone that protects you from all the evils of the world. But if our father is someone that doesn't care about you and spends most of his time in his room, then how can you trust that man to protect you. A lousy father is someone that is someone that you have a hard time trusting. I would rather have no father, then a father that I cant even trust my life with.

1 point

Killing someone is wrong no matter what. If you kill someone then i think you should do the right thing and turn yourself in, instead of waiting and wondering if someone else would turn you in. I know it would be difficult for me to turn in my wife, but they commited a horrible crime and they should pay for it. No one is above the law basicly.

1 point

If i say that advencing the commen good is better then a personal pursuit, then i would be lieing to myself. Everyone wants to do good in the world, but the problem with that is that their is too many bad things happening in the world, and what you do wont really make a difference. A personal persuit does more for you then trying to advance the commen good in a world where you see very little good.

1 point

Shakespeare's is one of the greatest writer of all time, and mostly all of his works are considered classic. Not studying any of shakespears works would be considered an insult to his writing ability. Shakespeare changed the English language as we know it, and he did it all through his plays, and stories.

1 point

lets say you were beaten half to death by some crazy guy, and you live in fear all you life. your scared to come out of you room and you end up living with you parents. That is a choice that you make. instead of conquering your fear, you act like a little two year old girl. But their still hope for you. you just need the guts to not be scared all the time. what im trying to say is that freedom is a choice of how you respond to to things that have happened to you.

1 point

Obama is the right guy to lead this country. I haven't been involved in the election, but unlike McCain, I think obama well actually carry out his plans for change . McCain, i think he wont do everything he said.

1 point

Being well respected is okay in the world, but the only way you can survive in life is if you have money. oney is what makes the world turn, and alot of you might disagree with that, but thats the truth. Everything that people do is for money. School, for example, the main reason that people go to school is to earn money when they are adults.

1 point

I belive that superman is more heroic then batman because superman has powers, and he dosen't misuse. plus superman is more humble in his Clark Kent form then Bruce Wayne, who shows off his money.

1 point

I dont think that school kills creativity. this school has a lot of classes that allow you to express yourselves in a creative way. Like art for example. you can draw anything you want and you have to be creative so that you painting can stand out.

2 points

I think that being loved is better then being feared, because when your loved, people like you. when your feared people someday might get the courage to stand up to you.

-2 points

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