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4 points

Ofcourse we should try to do everything to prevent terrorist attacks and profiling is way of doing that in airport security.

Profiling is not always accrate though. Profiling might seem like a good way but it might be offensive to people who are stereotyped. racial profiling is sending our citizen a message that they are judged by their appearance and contradicts the idea that our enforcement officials are actually protecting us. Race-based assumptions that lead to negative stereotypical comments which also contradicts our diverse American society. I don't think its right to ask somebody to step aside for a random search just because they have facial hair, odd clothing or a peculier accent. It is pretty embarassing when you're asked in the middle of a line and strangers are looking at you and whispering about you, thinking you did something wrong.

2 points

Ofcourse we should try to do everything to prevent terrorist attacks and profiling is way of doing that in airport security.

Profiling is not always accrate though. Profiling might seem like a good way but it might be offensive to people who are stereotyped.

1 point

No matter how agitated you are or what the situation is you should never torment someone. When ever you are afflicted or rgaed and you feel like your on the verge of having a hysteric outburst, you should consider the outcome of your action.Torturing and harrassing someone is not the way to deal with an issue. this kind of response to the sitution can be distressful for both you and the victim.

2 points

Students learn better when they are surrounded by a comfortable enviroment, somewhere they are acknowledged and can easily fit in. Students should be allowed to attend whatever school they want to because they know what surroundings they prefer. Though that school should be also aproved and desirable by the parent also because they might know whats best for us.

2 points

Doing a "re-election" would be too much of a hassle. The re-election party won't represent everyones opinion.

2 points

Presidents should be able to serve more than two terms because if they enhanced the chances of our country being better and having more advanced economy then thats good.if they didn't meet their terms and was not really a persident worth voting for, then people will know better not to vote for them again.

2 points

Immigration has always been a rising issure in U.S. The bug complication with illegal immigrants is overcrowding population and jobs. Just for that they don't deserve to be outcasts. these are problems that are for them to solve. I don't support the idea of of deporting illegal immigrants because they work so hard to get here. They have to go through so much to escape their country to come to here to america the "land of opportunities".Think about what they leave behind to seek a better life for their family. Some immigrants come here with families and spent years creating a life for their families and one day they could just get deported and all the those years of working hard in this country has no value. They come here for a better life with many opportunities, which should not be snatched away so easily from them.

1 point

If forcing developing countries to protect their surroundings engenders result of a good and improved environment, then thats for a good cause. Developed countries are more enriched and improved therefore they can help the developing countries transform slowly to a finer country. Developing countries benefit a lot from engaging with advanced and well established countries. If these countries forced other immature countries to conserve their natural resources, use cleaner production technologies, manage resource supply and demand better and slow population growth then it is protecting the environment and making it every bit closer to being developed.

2 points

where we are today is a beautiful place with many different opportunities but back then it wasn't the took alot to get twhere America is now. i don't think the modern U.S. was worth the destruction of native cultures and lands, slave trade and the many wars that occured because of land.

0 points

im sure that you have heard your teachers say " think outside the box".this is a way of encouraging us to focus on our innert thoughts other wise TO BE creative!! we are all creative in our own different ways. in school, we are free to do whatever we want if we are being respectful towards other

i ran out of time..

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