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This personal waterfall shows you all of Nicoles's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Since 9/11, airports have taking extreme measures to make sure that something like that can never happen again. Everyone goes through a metal detector and they have all different types of rules and restrictions that people must follow in order to even get into the airport. Therefore, I see no need to profile anyone. If someone is acting suspicious, that’s different, but stopping someone or possibly searching someone just because they look like a ‘terrorist” is wrong and unnecessary. Its always good to be on the lookout for people who could potentially be a threat, but unless they have broken a rule, there is no need to act on it. And this goes for anyone, all colors and races.

1 point

Torture is wrong. No one deserves to be tortured for any reason what so ever. There are other ptions people can use to punish someone for whatever they did wrong.

Throughout history, people have been tortured for a number of reasons. Whether they broke the law, or the punisher needed them to give up information. They used many different methods, and some were so extreme that the person being tortured was killed. Today, we know better.

There are so many different laws against physical abuse that i think most people have come around to the fact that torture is wrong. I think it would be nearly impossible to make torture not only "right", but legal.

1 point

The reason we have the system we have now is to keep everything organized and managable. If students were able to choose where they wanted to go, schools might be to overpopulated or to underpopulated. The conselors already have enough trouble trying to put kids in the classes they need to have to graduate. If you add 200 other kids to that, it makes things very difficult.

The way the schools districts are divided up the way they are to make getting to school as easy as possible. The father you have to drive, the harder it is.

If to many students were in one classroom, then learning could be a serious problem, and that is our entire purpose for going to school.

-1 points

The reason we have the system we have now is to keep everything organized and managable. If students were able to choose where they wanted to go, schools might be to overpopulated or to underpopulated. The conselors already have enough trouble trying to put kids in the classes they need to have to graduate. If you add 200 other kids to that, it makes things very difficult.

The way the schools districts are divided up the way they are to make getting to school as easy as possible. The father you have to drive, the harder it is.

If to many students were in one classroom, then learning could be a serious problem, and that is our entire purpose for going to school.

1 point

You said something about the fact that there is alot of time, effort and stress involved in being president. What happens if the current president serves more then two terms (maybe three or four), and suddenyl falls under the pressue? What happens if it was during a time of war or economical failure? The country would be left without a "leader", and would have to put their faith and trust into someone they might not even know all that well up to date.

1 point

There is a reason that presidents can only be preseidents for two terms. There wouldn't be a law against it if nothing bad could happen from a president holding office for more then 8 years.

People, especially politically invovled people, like their presidents to be stand for what they stand for. Sometimes, people are not happy with who the rest of America voted for, so the only reason they are "happy" is because they know that the prseidency has a time limit. If the people aren't happy, the country will not function.

Also, history has shown us what can happen to a person if they hold to much power for to long of a time. Our country is set up in such a way that no person can have to much power, but the president is still the president. If he or she holds office for to long, he or she might become "rich with power" and make choices and decisions that are not good for this country.

Everyone has an opinion, and sometiems they agree with the current president, and sometimes they don't. Knowing that they will be able to listen to someone with new and fresh ideas on how to make this country a better place in only a matter of years is what keeps them staying involved.

2 points

The people living in this country illegaly are here for a reason. While i doo belive that everyone needs to get a green card and formally become a legal citizen, deporting them is cruel. For some people, coming to this country was their last option. Maybe their country was in a war, or the lost their job and no more were avaliable. However, the people that come here just to be here and do not try to become a citizen do deserve a "punishment" of some kind, but i still don't think deportation is the answer. Families have been seperated, children lost, and people left with nothing. That is not write no matter what they did. We need to come up with another option besides deprotation for the illegall immigrants.

3 points

I dont think they should. Developing countires already have enough to worry about. Those countries struggle to do simple things like feeding their children or buying new shoes on a daily basis. The people in these types of countires don't and can't be doing much if anything at all to affect th enviornment anyway. They don't drive to work, they walk or ride a bike. They naturaly farm their land, they don't use big fancy machines. So, i don't think they should be forced to have to help fix a problem they aren't even contributing to.

1 point

Schools have all these rules about facial piercing, different colors hair, types of clothes, etc. I'm not sure on what the schools reason for these rules are, but i think ts because they few these things as weird or inappropriate. It shouldn't be up to them to decide whats appropriate or not on certain things. Most people make their hair rainbow or Peirce their eyebrow because thats how they express them selves and they want to be and individual. The schools try to make these things seem bad and try to make these kids conform to look they way they want them to.

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