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This personal waterfall shows you all of Nicol's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

Airport officials shouldn't have to profile people in order to prevent terrorist attacks. Airports already have the screening technology to prevent foreign or forbidden objects from entering the plane. If a foreign object is found, then the officials can screen the individual for contraband, however, most of the time it is a false alarm. This technology should be more than enough to prevent future attacks.

A while back, my grandma was screened for being "suspicious". I don't see how a 65 year old woman can possibly be suspicious to bring on an attack to an airplane. This just proves that officials are overly aware of the dangers and probably should back off a little bit. Profiling would just make things more chaotic in an airport environment.

1 point

Torture, by no means, is ever justified. If someone did something wrong that is worth a harsh punishment, a long prison sentence should suffice. Torturing is the most cruel punishment because the people being tortured have to live through their ordeal. This would probably mess them up in the head. Honestly, I would rather die a quick death than endure the multiple beatings that torture brings.

3 points

I think that if students were able to attend the school of their choice, all of the "elite" high schools would be filled up very quickly. Students would like to go to the rich, nice schools for either their academics or their sports programs. However, this would cause all of the "lesser" school to lose all of their academically and athletically gifted students. Plus, the commute to and from far away schools would be a hassle for other motorists that live in that area. Traffic would increase due to more people traveling to those schools.

1 point

Even though this president might be a good one, people are still gonna be against him. I don't think that these people would like to have the same president for more than two years, they want their party's president to win an election. Maybe they can elect a president that has the same views as the president before him. It's just good to have a change after a while.

2 points

I feel that the president should stay limited to two terms during his presidency. As we all know, there are two major political parties in our country, the democrats and the republicans. If a president were to be elected to more than two terms, the people of the opposing party would raise havoc and everything would be a mess. There would probably be a lot of strikes and many angry people.

Americans like change and if we had the same president consecutively, there wouldn't be that much change. His ideas toward world order would be geared toward the same causes and people would eventually get tired of them.

4 points

I support the deportation of illegal immigrants simply because these illegal aliens don't pay taxes and aren't considered a citizen of the United States. Most immigrants come over to the US to have a better life, but in reality, they are just hurting our economy and raising our population. In my opinion, if you come over to the US illegally, you are not up to any good and should be sent back to their country.

This also isn't fair to the children who are born from illegal parents. Because they are born on US soil, they are considered citizens of the United States. To fix this growing problem, the government should find illegal aliens quicker and send them back before they are able to have kids in America. All in all, illegal immigrants should not be allowed in America.

0 points

I feel that developed countries should not force developing countries to protect the environment. Instead of forcing them, which seems kind of harsh, they should encourage them to go green. I think that encouragement would help them understand what our world is going through.

Developing countries are already going through hard times in order to become a developed country. They don't need any more pressure to be placed on their backs to become an environmentally friendly country. Even though they should help protect the environment, I feel that the relations between countries is very important. If developed countries force this issue of going green, then the developing countries could get irritated, causing an unfriendly relationship between countries.

1 point

I feel that the cons outweigh the pros, in regard to exploration and establishment of the US, because if the bad things of the past never happened, our nation would not would not be like it is today. Some of these events that may have changed the outcome of the future were the wars for independence, the explorations of Lewis and Clark, and the arrival of many African slaves. Since there are more cons than pros, we are able to learn from the mistakes of earlier people and make sure that we dont make the same mistakes. So, the cons of the early United States ended up turning to pros in the end.

1 point

I think that schools kill creativity because everybody seems to think that school is boring. Creativity is supposed to be fun and exciting. If school was more creative, more people would want to come and it would be more fun. However, that is not the case.

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