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This personal waterfall shows you all of Nicholasf's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Racial profiling is not at all an acceptable way to detect possible terrorists or terrorist attacks. We already live in a country that hasn't let go of stereotypes, and racial inequality completely, and using racial profiling as a method of terrorist detection in airports will only make our country more racist and unfair. The main problem is that if certain races are doing bad things, it does lead the public to believe that those races are up to no good, but there are many people in the world with cruel intentions, and it's not possible to figure out or find every enemy that tries to get past airplane security. It's only fair to check everyone thoroughly to prevent future attacks on our planes, but going after just one race based on prior discrepancies may throw airport security off track and cause them to miss the terrorist.

1 point

It's interesting to say that the use of torture can be a "tool" to save hundreds, and while this may be true, you make the point to say that you are on the fence on whether you agree with it officially or not with a "meek yes."

3 points

Torture violates the dignity of the human kind. It's a terrible way to be punished or as a way to extract information from people. Obviously you wouldn't want to be tortured yourself, so how could it possibly be justified for a criminal. There are many other forms of punishment that will teach a criminal a lesson without it involving torture. It's hypocritical to torture someone because they did something bad, but then be the person to administer the torture just doesn't seem right.

1 point

I understand what you are trying to get at, but it almost seems as if we chose our own schools, the students would be insane in a good way, and could accomplish many cool and innovative ideas. However, you did put up a good argument.

1 point

One of the determining factors of a student's performance in school is the environment that they work in. In most districts you are placed in the school that you are closest to, but it may not be the school that the student wants to attend, so you have to go through lots of paper work to enroll into another school. Schools need to stop worrying about where the students are located, and who crosses the "imaginary line." If a school has better classrooms teachers, or are closer to their friends, then they deserve to have the opportunity to chose to go there.

1 point

I strongly disagree that a president should be able to serve more than two terms. We need variety of presidents so that the country will have different views on what needs to be fixed for our country. Also, the president that serves more than two terms may not be as good as he/she used to be and needs a fresher outlook with newer ideas. Another reason is that when a president is being voted on, if it is 51/49, who is to say the other prescient isn't just as good or better. This is why we need to cycle through people that are going to be our presidents.

2 points

I think that illegal immigrants should be able to stay in the United States because even though they are considered illegal, they should still just get the opportunity to be in the country. The immigrants that come to this country and get a green card are doing the right thing, but there may be legitimate reasons as to why others didn't bother to get one, and should be able to have the chance to get one before being removed from the country. If instead of wasting the tax money on sending the illegal immigrants away, there could be a mass change to make all of the immigrants into citizens which would help our country because everyone would be registered. Some of the immigrants are coming to our country for a better opportunity, and while they made the mistake of coming here illegally, we shouldn't punish them by sending them away, but allow them to take an opportunity to become a real citizen.

1 point

Our country shouldn't try and resolve other problems out of our own territory before we have changed ourselves. It is true that we are trying to cut down and "Go Greener, " but our main focus should just be to fix our own country before we go out and tell others what to do about their polluting ways which again is hypocritical.

1 point

Our country is one of the top polluting nations in the world. With this being said, how can we possible think about trying to force other countries to clean up their act and protect the environment, if we can't achieve the very same thing. Not only would it be hypocritical, but we also would be wasting time, and resources by focusing on developing countries other than our own. The United States still has its own fair share of problems that need to be worked on, so if we instead try to focus our attention on what needs to be fixed environmentally in our own country, then we wouldn't have an excuse for why we create so much pollution. It is until that day for our goal to be to worry ourself before we go off on other countries for problems that we share as well.

2 points

The pros definitely outweigh the cons because we have evolved to be a better nation even in our roughest times in the past. It is true that the decisions made were not great, but we have learned for the most part what not to do. I am not proud of our country's past, but we are living in a free country that is an acceptable place to live in. We can't change the past, but we can learn from the mistakes that our country has made to prevent them from happening again. Sometimes we just have to realize what has happened and remember that we are in a good situation and that the past is the past and it wont happen again.

2 points

School are always killing creativity because there are so many teachers that are not creative themselves, so they dont exactly encourage it. Also, the huge amount of rules that are implemented make a school boring, and lifeless so you don't get the chance to really think outside of the box. When you get a project, there are lots of guidelines that tell you what you have to do that really doesn't add to the creativity because you must follow the certain instructions that only allow for specific noncreative rules.

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