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Nfreshour09's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Nfreshour09's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

No, I believe that we are in America for a reason, we have rights and being spied on definitely isnt one of them. There is already a certain amount that the Goverment knows about each of us now, and if they cant charge someone with just the evidence that they have than its not fair to invade their personal space.

Although I can understand if they are keeping tabs on someone who maybe has committed a few crimes and maybe they are a suspect for murder, or something really drastic. But even then we are all created equally and we all deserve equal rights.

1 point

I have a great father and he frustrates me everyday, no matter what your parents are going to frustrate you.

1 point

I am stuck in between, I think that in most ways it is better to have a lousy father than to not have one at all. Fathers have a very big influence on their child's life, and if you don't have one at all, then in most cases kid's suffer because of that, but then again if you have a lousy father they are giving the child a bad influence.

But all together I would say that I would rather have my dad around even if he were lousy.

2 points

No. I wouldn't be able to turn them in. If you truly love someone you would do anything to help them. Especially if it was an accident.

Though, if he killed some one just because he felt like killing somone it may be a little different, because I wouldnt want him to go nuts and kill me too.

1 point

It does have to do with english. The words aren't incorrect, they actually took the time in this time period to speak properly and they weren't lazy.

1 point

I believe that Shakespeare should be taught in high school. All of his work is great, and even though they spoke differently I think that teenagers need to be exposed to it, especially because our generation is so lazy in their speech.

-2 points
0 points

I never said everyone was a christian I said that I was a christian if you would read it right.

and I believe its wrong.

and killing an innocent child is fair for everyone?

1 point

no because if only the rich were paying taxes then they would be paying for EVERYONES taxes. Therefore they would lose money and everyone will be poor.

Plus how is it fair that somebody that was smart and made something of themselves should have to pay for somebody who didn't make anything of themselves. Not saying that everyone that is poor didn't try but somebody that actually acheived their goals doesn't mean that they should have to pay for the people that didn't

2 points

I'm voting McCain. Because I personally can't stand some of the things that Obama stands for.

I was raised in a Christian home, and along with that came certain standards. Not only is Obama for gay marriage, he was the ONLY person in the senate that voted yes for partial birth abortion. If you don't know what it is look it up, because it's very gruesome and most definitely murder.

I can agree with some things that Obama is for.

Not only that but half of the votes going to Obama are simply for his race. People need to look past the color of his skin and look at what he truly stands for.

3 points

It is better to be Well Respected, because when you are well respected, people will be more willing to help you out when you are in need.

Plus, Money isn't everything.

1 point

Batman is way more heroic.

He doesnt need super powers to kick some butt. =]

Plus he is just a mortal, he could've died at any time saving people, on the other hand superman couldnt die.

0 points

Yes. Especially our school. They have taken away a lot of our rights. Such as getting to kidnap the new members of teams. I think that kidnapping really got to show who we are and what we do, and when we could kidnap, we would dress up newbies in funny ways, and in a lot of ways that showed how creative we can really be, because we put a lot into making that persons outfit for the day crazy.

They also have limited a lot of what we can do in our classes, like the type of movies we can watch and the type of projects that we can do. So i definitely think that they are taking our creativity away

1 point

why wouldn't you want people to be around you?

1 point

I think it is better to be loved, because then you will always have friends, and always have someone there for you, and when you are in trouble the people that love you will support you.

1 point

why? if the school is going to put up cameras then why put it in only a few spots?

that leaves places that arent protected/safe

2 points

The fact that we are in High School makes them more needed.

Teenagers do stupid stuff when they know they arent being watched.

I dont think that having cameras has much to do with them trusting us, it has to do with keeping us safe when there are people that really cant be trusted

3 points

They are needed

For example if something got stollen they could go back and look through the cameras to see who it was.

Also when all of the food fights were going on last year they could've used the cameras to try and figure out who was starting them, so they could punish those people instead of the entire school

4 points

I can see where you are coming from

but you know there are always going to be people that want to argue with the cops because they are dumb

thats when you deserve a ticket,

you dont deserve a ticket if you aren't doing anything wrong

2 points

No I think that this is dumb

I can understand like having to leave and wanting everyone of the property, but I dont think 30 minutes is enough time

and handing out tickets is a bit to drastic

I know as a Cardette that it takes us 30 minutes to do our kicks and do the alma mater and get all of our stuff out of the stands.

I think a ticket is going too far, if someone is still there after the time to leave then just tell them to leave dont give them a ticket for it unless they argue about it and dont want to leave

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