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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jlmiranda1's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I don't think the government should be able to monitor suspicious people. Just look at it like this, if the government thought someone who looked suspicious and decided to monitor them only to find out that they were completely innocent then they just wasted their time watching that person. As to someone who the government thinks is completely innocent and could do no wrong could secretly be plotting something like world domination. Also, what happened to the saying, "Dont judge a book by its cover"? It just isn't right.

1 point

I think in any case its better to have no father then to have a lousy father either way you still lose. When you have a father you want him to be the best he can be so you can learn from him as you grow up. If you were to have a lousy father then whats the point of having a father at all if he's just going to be lousy and he wouldn't teach you anything. It's always better to have a respectable father figure in your life then to have a lousy father figure.

1 point

I think in any case its better to have no father then to have a lousy father either way you still lose. When you have a father you want him to be the best he can be so you can learn from him as you grow up. If you were to have a lousy father then whats the point of having a father at all if he's just going to be lousy and he wouldn't teach you anything. It's always better to have a respectable father figure in your life then to have a lousy father figure.

1 point

I mean its a hard choice but if I had to I wouldn't turn them in, because even though i know murder is bad I still love them enough not to turn them in. I just feel like I wouldn't be able to look at them in the same way again. Because to know that he killed a human being for whatever reason is still unacceptable. I mean I could kind of understand if they were getting mugged and in self defense he killed the mugger so that he would live then thats fine. I just don't know if I would be able to look at them with the same love in my eyes if they murdered someone in cold blood just because they didn't like that person

1 point

I think advancing the common good would be better in the long run. I mean sure you can worry about yourself, but put it like this, "Your not the most important person in the world". If everyone just thought about just them and not about other people where would we be. Its better to put others first and think about yourself later then to put yourself first.

1 point

Shakespeare's works should be studied in High School just because he was an amazing writer. Many students should get the chance to read all his amazing stories and take time to comprehend them. Students should read his work because he has such amazing way with words and romantic poetry. The first story I read was Romeo and Juliet. We read it in my freshman english class and I was so amazed by the story and I think his writing could reach out to so many students if they just took the time to read his work.

1 point

I disagree with the statement because our freedom has nothing to do with whats been done to you its what you choose to make it out to be.

1 point

To be perfectly honest I don't really have a favorite in this debate, but I believe if i had to pick i would pick Obama. He seems like he knows what hes talking about. I just want to be honest. Most of the election is based on the race of these two canidates. Its not right to elect someone based on the color of their skin. Its also about what they are trying to accomplish and what their goals are to make America better.

1 point

To me batman is more of a super hero then superman. Batman risks his life for the people of Gotham city knowing he isn't immortal to things like bullets and any other type of weapon that can kill him.

-1 points

Sometimes schools kill the fashion creativity for some students but that's not the only reason why. Students express themselves in many different forms. For example, some students express themselves in art or music and by being told what to draw or what to play isn't exactly fair. Some students want people to see them for their talents and in some cases you can't do that in school because of all the rules, but it could also depend on the teacher or administrator.

However, school can also be a very influential place where students can open up a whole new path and find something they can be truly great at. Teachers can open up a whole new level of ideas and options.

2 points

Its better to be loved then feared. People who are feared feel like they have all the power in the world because they are feared by everyone. However, having everyone scared of you isn't such a great thing. Being loved means that you respect people and they respect you, not out of fear but out of trust and that is something I think everyone would perfer to have.

1 point

yes i can see where your coming from and i have no problem with the video surveillance cameras i just feel like they could reduce them by just a few

-4 points
1 point

Its not fair that some students must receive a ticket if they are at a school event for longer then 30 minutes. Some students situation may be a bit different then others. You cant blame a student if a parent gets caught in traffic or something along the way of picking them up. I mean if a student has a car and they are there just to be there then thats perfectly reasonable for them to receive a ticket but in some cases its just not fair.

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