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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jespecina's arguments, looking across every debate.
-1 points

I believe if there is nothing you are doing that is wrong then you have nothing to hide. Privacy is important but if you are not suspicious then you are not going to be monitored, therefore you are fine.

0 points

Many people struggle with being fatherless. It is a challenge but it allows them to be tough and dependant on themselves. Being fatherless is hard but when it comes down to it, it is better to be fatherless than to have a lousy father. If you had a lousy father, they teach you the wrong things and don't allow you to expand.

0 points

I would not turn him in unless he killed a more than one because there is no way it could be an accident more than once. I think if i loved the person enough i could hide the facts and act like it never happened.

1 point

Personal pursuit is better because people will be people and want to be the best they can be and they want to be on the top. I know I want to be a "winner". Which by this happening it means that someone has to be a loser. This is personal pursuit.

2 points

I feel that Shakespeare should continue being taught in the high school level. It offers an out reach of education. However i feel that Shakespeare should be taught in a more modern fashion.

1 point

I disagree because freedom is that there is no control, and by saying it has to do with what has been done to you is a slight contradiction.

1 point

I'm not informed much on either candidates. From the debates that I have watched I would vote for Obama. He seems more for the people and ending the war. While McCain seems very hostile and angry.

1 point

It is better to be well respected because people can trust you and wealthy people try to buy respect but what they really buy is two-faced people.

-1 points

Superman is more heroic. He was born with his powers therefore setting him aside from all others. His powers come form within and are natural, while on the other hand all of Batmans powers come from his gadgets. Although they are both heroic and perform good deeds for the city Superman came here and started to protect the world early off while Batman started later on in his life.

3 points

It is better to be loved. People that love you tend to be nicer and more on your side than if you are feared. When you fear someone you tend to be two-faced, you don't really respect them, they just do it to do what is in there best interest.

6 points

I think there are too many camera's in the halls but these are there for our protection and to catch crimal acts. If you have nothing to hide then there is no reason that the camera's should be taken out.

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