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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jamhalton's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

As a viewer of the show Cheaters I think about this situation every time I see the show, and how wrong it is for couples to have to hire somebody to spy on the spouse. I say no because of the fact that there is crazy people out in the world who are serious about the privacy and space and if you run up and steak out on the wrong person that could be your last day on this earth. So Just "Mind Your Own Business" and everything will be OK.

1 point

As a young boy you grow hoping and that they have a father figure in there life to be there when he is needed. The last thing they need is someone who lives with you and doesn't do anything to help you learn the ways of life and answer questions you may need to know for life. As a young man it is important that you have someone in your life to support you and push you to be successful in life.

1 point

Well I'm kind of in the middle because i always think that helping people is a good thing and a way that you can get your blessings. But also sometime you have too help yourself be successful and make sure you can survive and provide. So to a certain extent it is good to help others but then its all about you.

1 point

I think that it should continue to be studied in high school because it is a good way to learn about past history and how literature and poetry really started. And in plus there is nothing wrong with Shakespeare's writing or what he does.

1 point

I disagree because i dont think your freedom has anything to do with the things that have happened to you. You freedom depends on the decisins you choose to make in life.

0 points

I think that Obama should be the next president because he is is raising taxes for the rich instead of raising them for everyone and some that cant afford it and is making it hard to live life.Since Bush has been in office the price of living has went up. And as this happens people are losing money and paying more taxes. And if Mccain is president he will do and go for the same thing bush has.

0 points

I think superman is more heroic because i think he does more then batman does such save people from dieing all day everyday. Batman can only work at night and thats dumb cause what if there is crime going on in the day then people would die while he working. Then on the other hand superman can work at any time of the or night cause he go harder

6 points

No matter where you are there is something creative going on at an point in time. As in the school we are here for 180 days and more then 100 different classes to choose from. they made school like that because everyone is different and like different things in life. So I think the opposite of the question cause I think school enhances creativty such as Art Class, Theater Class,etc..

1 point

With love comes respect.I think that it is better to be loved then feared because being feared can also mean being in danger. If people fear you on the streets that could make them want to prove them self as a bigger person and kill you or something.And when you are loved everybody cares about you and makes you feel like a good person and makes you feel good about living.

1 point

With love comes respect.I think that it is better to be loved then feared because being feared can also mean being in danger. If people fear you on the streets that could make them want to prove them self as a bigger person and kill you or something.And when you are loved everybody cares about you and makes you feel like a good person and makes you feel good about living.

0 points

First off i just want to start out by saying that i don't even think have of the cameras in the school even work because i have never heard about or seen anyone get in trouble or get caught doing something wrong by the school cameras. so basically i think they are uncaused for and unwanted and they are just there to make it look like they are trying to make the school look safe

1 point

I think that this rule is really dumb because what if there is a serious situation going on why your mom or dad cannot come. And then they try to give u a ticket that is stupid and dumb and thats why i say no.

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