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This personal waterfall shows you all of Devwillis's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, because crime comes and goes in different matters as far as a human being. Government should investigate on certain individuals who is acting and/or looking suspicous. Not invade there privacy because they also have rights like every other citizen in this world, but a nice minor inspection on the person wouldn't hurt. If it's a everyday deed that the weird and unusal activity continues, then it's possible to be something wrong. Government don't pay attention to you too much if you don't do nothing wrong. Just a check up.

2 points

Yes I would be happy and relieved to turn my spouse in for murder. Killing someone is the one number one crime in this world. I don't want to stay married to a crazy woman who commits murder. I wouldn't feel safe if we have children in the house or sleeping next to her. I wouldn't be able to sleep or think right for months, maybe years.

1 point

Yes, at all times it should be, especially if your in high school. Shakespeare period is really doesn't have a level to it. But if you would give it a level, the level of Shakespeare would be on college level, pure literature. And it's better to know college level literature than stay on high school or middle school literature. It's wonderful to know Shakespeare.

1 point

Yes I do agree with Mr. Sartre because freemdom does mean to do what we want to do without any rules or regulations. But certain times we need to follow rules. If we follow th rules then we are free to do anything we desire.

1 point

Yes I do agree with Mr. Sartre because freemdom does mean to do what we want to do without any rules or regulations. But certain times we need to follow rules. If we follow th rules then we are free to do anything we desire.

1 point

It's better to be wealthy, because all or most of your life you dont have to worry about struggling. Also you get respect on top of that either way. Being poor and respected is not a good combination. Riches should be at your standards and getting the respect and power. Earth is all about money! Always!

1 point

Batman is more heroic than Superman, because Batman is also a legend who has made a good impact on others across the world. A rising star!

0 points

It's better to be loved than feared.Why? Because love makes the world go round and round each and everyday. Being loved can keep some people happy but also it can cause hatred. It's always better to be loved than be feared by someone except for one person.(God)

-2 points
-6 points
-6 points
-3 points

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