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This personal waterfall shows you all of SeanW's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Profiling should be used however limited. Profiling is considered racist by many, but this is a misconception. Profiling could be used only to take aside people who look suspicious, not people of a certain race or origin. If a certain group of people are known for their attempted terrorist attacks, then your chances of catching a terrorist is higher in that specific group than in randomly selecting someone. For example, while an old woman in her eighty fifth year of life could be a threat to the plane, you are much more likely to find a terrorist to be a younger man. Profiling is not only a good idea, it's a necessary one for the safety of thousands of innocent lives.

4 points

Torture may be morally wrong; it may be a challenging act to perform because of the pain it causes. However, it can be justified. The old saying, "the end justifies the means", may be cliche, but it's true. If there is a plan to kill millions of people, and there is a captive who knows how to stop it, and torture is the only tool left, then so be it. Torturing one person who wants to take the lives of others to save those lives is justified. You can say that it's wrong, that they've stooped to the level of their own tortured victim, but if it gets the job done, then it should be used. There are two possible outcomes; in one, the people in charge refuse to subject pain to a person who is willing to kill and innocent lives are lost. Or, in the other, one horrible person is put in pain, but no one dies in the process. The moraly right decision is the second.

1 point

If this is satirical, then it should be on the yes side. And it says I need fifty characters to submit.

0 points

However, if a student attends the school with their friends, they would be distracted, so it would be equivalent to a fish attempting to live in a bowl with foggy water.

2 points

No. Too many highschool students are not mature enough to make this decision. Many students would only go to certain schools because their friends go there or because that school would be the easiest to pass at. The only students that should be able to select where they attend are the students at the top of their class and they already have a solution for this, transfers. If an extremely successful student goes to a notoriously bad school, then their parents are able to get them transferred to a better school. The parents also have the option of moving to get there student to a better school of their choice. There are also consequences for letting students choose their school, such as overpopulating some schools, underpopulating others, not having enough faculty, or having too much. The management system would be destroyed.

1 point

Just a couple things, when you say, "...president he should...", how about a woman? And I'm guessing your talking about Bush, but whether or not he was a good president is an opinion.

7 points

If a president does a terrific job, then why should their time as the leader of America be limited. This is comparable to having a principle at a school that has turned a school from a drug dealing, gang banging area, into a top academic school, and saying "You've done a great job and all, but we're going to have to let you go since you've been here for a couple years." Another comparitive is to have an all-star quarterback who is entering his fifth season, and saying "Sorry, your a great player, but we don't want you around for too long." Being president is no different than any other job; if you have more experience, then you are better prepared to deal with obstacles. People argue that the president would try to get more power, but the government is put together well enough to prevent this. The fact is, if something is already perfect, then you shouldn't try to fix it.

1 point

Use actual knowledge David, America is not the only country with immigration problems. Eupopean nations have problems with African immigration; China has problems with Japanese immigration. And why not discuss immigration problems in Siberia? Do you have something against them?

2 points

Well, your argument about paying for education is wrong. Costa Rica pays for all school including college, so no, America does not have the best education system.

2 points

Why does everyone assume we are talking about America? The prompt never mentions America.

3 points

Illegal immigrants are exactly what their name says they are, illegal. People say it is racist to want to deport immigrants, but the plain truth is it isn't. I don't care if it's an American who goes to the U.K.; if they are illegal, then they should be deported. If the immigrant wants to legaly become a citizen then I have no problem with them, but if they come illegally then they are harming the country. Illegal Immigrants can not aquire legal jobs because they are illegal, which means that they have to find other ways to make money. Jobs that should go to a citizen of the country are taken away by cheap illegal labor. Illegals also have a tendency to make money and send it back to their families in their original countries, which is a double-blow to the economy. This takes a citizen's job, then sends it to be put into another countries economical system. Illegal Immigrants should be deported, not because of racism, but for the financial safety of the country.

0 points

As you did in your first argument, you again used only the U.S. as an example. How provincial of you; there are many other developed countries besides the United States. I have in no way proved your point. I said that developed countries have better means of reducing their pollution output... not less.

1 point

If there are more developed countries with more developed technology, then why not share that. Knowledge on solar, wind, and other forms of alternative energy should be spread, not confined. If there are better ways of doing things, then why shouldn't everyone do it that way.

2 points

I believe that developed countries should entice undeveloped countries to lower their pollution output; force is too strong of a word. Countries like the U.S. should help developing countries develop; it's that simple. Developed countries should give the resources that the developing countries need to lower their pollution output, not just expect them to be able already. Developed countries should also reward the developing nations in the form of trade, and gifts for cooperating. It is no different than a student recieving an A in Mr. Mountains class for doing an exceptional job on writing an essay. It may seem ethically wrong for the moment, but in the bigger picture, people need to breath, people need clean air, and lowering pollution is a necessity.

3 points

America has not had a pleasant history to get to the point where we are now, which still needs improvement. There has been slavery, and ill treatment of equal people who had the horrible luck to be born at the wrong time or in to the wrong family. Americans still force Native Americans on to small reservations that can't keep their culture alive. America is headed in the right direction, but no matter how much good you do, it doesn't erase the past.

3 points

I think schools do kill creativity. Some teachers (excluding Mr. Mountain) go as far as to tell you how to organize your binder. There are classes like art, but even those classes tell you what to draw and how to do it. I understand that order is needed to teach, but a student should be trusted to use their creativity, not punished.

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