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This personal waterfall shows you all of NatalieB2's arguments, looking across every debate.
5 points

Detaining a passenger because of their appearance is absolutely not ethical or acceptable. Airports should only be permitted to withhold passengers if they are on one of the government lists of suspected terrorists, or suspicious people. These people have acted in ways that give the government reason(s) to belief that they could be a threat to the country, a justifiable reason to aprehend them in an airport, where multiple terrorist attacks have been attempted and carried out successfully. A normal citizen or airport goer, however, that is not on any sort of suspicious list, should not be hindered based on a brief impression they make on an airport official who can only judge them by their outward appearance.

6 points

Torture is cruel and inhumane. No matter what some suspected (or known) terrorist or 'threat to the country' is planning or has done, they do not deserve psychologically and physically damaging treatment. When United States soldiers are tortured in foreign countries, the United States government and people raise hell, so what makes us think that it is condonable for us to commit the same, or even more atrocious, acts, when dealing with soldiers foreign to our country? Just because the technology we have developed for torture is advanced, does not mean the practice itself is not just as barbaric as it was in the Middle Ages.

4 points

If students (or their parents) are willing to commute to and from a school outside of their district, then the school should not be able to prevent them from attending. However, a restriction should be placed on the number of out of district students admitted to inhibit abnormal growth of one school or debilitating diminution of another. This will allow students desirous of features in a school outside of their district to enjoy these features, but only on a first come, first serve basis.

3 points

If the country was unhappy with their president after two terms, they would not win another term, even if there was a possibility. The country would demand a new, fresh president to start over and save the country, so the possible third or fourth term would not affect this mediocre president.

3 points

Presidents should only be allowed more than two terms if our country's republic retains its basic priciples; that is, only if the election of these presidents is dependent on the impressions and opinions of the people, the voters. I see no issue with allowing more than two terms as long as other candidates are still able to oppose the person currently in office who is attempting to run again. It is no different from a president running for his second term - the other candidate can still conceivably be elected over the current president, especially if he is truly more experienced or qualified to handle the country at that time. It is possible that the current president will be elected over a more adequate candidate, but this happens in the two-term system as well. In addition, the possibility of more than two terms will allow exceptional presidents to extend their presidency and continue to aid the country in ways that other leaders possibly could not.

13 points

The deportation of illegal immigrants is ineffective and destructive. Despite a high possibility of deportation, multitudes of illegal immigrants make their way into the United States every year, and only a small percentage are discovered, and even fewer are actually sent back to their countries of origin. In addition, deportation results in broken families, devastated as their son, father, cousin, is forced to leave their home in the United States and is sent back to their original country. Some might say that deportation is necessary to control the population and leave job opportunities and such open to legal citizens, but by now illegal immigrants, or those that were illegal originally, are such a major part of the American workforce that, should deportation become more effective and actually rid the country of most illegal immigrants, the American economy would be destroyed, perhaps to a point beyond repair.

1 point

Imperialistic 'developed countries', egotistic and corrupted with power, have absolutely no right to force developing countries into anything. The American colonists revolted and began the revolutionary war because the British, who then were thought of by the majority of the colonists as a separate people, interfered with the colonists' lives. Any relatively new country must be concerned solely with advancing to the level of the older countries in a timely fashion, to be thought of as equals by these older countries. To spend money on 'green' ways of doing things that developing countries have only recently begun to do is ridiculous, wasteful, and unrealistic. These countries barely have the resources for necessities like food, water, clothing, and shelter for their citizens. If these meager resources are spread to the development of 'green' production and energy, the countries will fall even further behind. Now, if these 'developed' countries who interfere with the new countries are going to put forth the money and research necessary to advance the developing countries' technologies, their demands would be more reasonable. Yes, the earth is important, and we should all do what we can to preserve and protect it. But only what we truly can do. Human life is important too, and people with starving children, ragged clothing, and a dilapidated shack are not concerned with the preservation of the earth, but with their next meal. But if developed countries are looking to help these developing countries, they should first bring the care of the citizens in these countries up to par with the rest of the world.

7 points

The tyranny enforced by colonists, explorers, and new Americans was equal or even worse than the tyranny in the various countries they came from. Americans have pushed their way to the top, through violence and force, because they assumed that they had the right to push aside, even kill and enslave other races. These Americans felt superior to other races because of skin color and technology, and thought only of how to conquer these 'inferiors'. We have killed, enslaved, and insulted multiple peoples to create this country, this country that is billions of dollars in debt, this country that interferes with other countries and sends our citizens to die, this country that cannot feed, clothe, and shelter, all that live in it, but asks its citizens to buy more food, more clothes, and bigger 'shelters' for themselves before those who need the basics.

3 points

Most classes, in enforcing structure and specific directions, smother students' individual takes and methods that often work better for the student and help them to learn. The originality of students is often guided into an 'allowed' form of originality, a mold, if you will, that defeats the purpose of creativity and when students leave school, they have been conditioned to do only certain original or creative things.

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