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This personal waterfall shows you all of MandyH's arguments, looking across every debate.
8 points

Tough some people may find it offensive, profiling of suspicious characters helps keep people safe. Sure, extra security checks may be a hassle, but in the end everyone gets to their destination safely, so it pays off. However, profiling should be done with discretion and openmindedness and not as an accusation. If used, profiling should not be limited to just one demographic, either.

4 points

When torture can save lives or prevent disasters it is justifiable, but torture for the sake of torture or for evil or selfish reasons is not. Torture should always be a last resort, reserved for the worst people, worst in the sense that they have harmed innocent lives or are purposely a danger to society as a whole. Torture is also a better alternative to death in that the person being tortured still has a chance at living. However, the torture of prisoners, as in war, should never be practiced.

5 points

The rules are in place for a reason. If anyone could go to any school they choose, the whole education system would be thrown into chaos. Students would most likely pick a school that their friends are at for that reason alone. There would be no way of controlling over-population either, which could lead to safety hazards and make teaching conditions especially difficult. The system in place now would be more beneficial to everyone than the one we'd have if students picked their own high school.

2 points

The word "great" is an opinion. I think you're forgetting that people and circumstances can change overtime, as in Bush's case. Giving someone the oppurtunity to be re-elected or gain more power, this person already one of the most powerful people in the world, is a dangerous idea. This is why we have the two-term rule in the first place.

2 points

George Washington served two terms as President then backed down. He realized that if he kept running for office, eventually he would have a little too much power or say in government. Even good men can't handle that much power. His stepping down was the best thing he could have done for this country. While some presidents, like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, served for more than two terms, and some were absolutely amazing for our country, Washington's example showed us that power is not to be taken for granted or abused.

It's like that guy on Jeopardy a few years ago. He kept winning and winning, and eventually, though everyone knew he was great at the game, it got to be a bit too much for everyone to handle. If one person is in charge for too long, their single opinions, though great at first, may eventually destroy our government.

4 points

My mom is a third grade bilingual teacher, and some of her students or their parents are here illegally. Sometimes, her eight year old students walk home to an empty house to find that their parents have been taken and deported back to Mexico. These children are left alone with no one to care for them. While the people here illegally should have found a legal way to get here, I don't think they should be deported right away. There are always other things to consider, like family and dependents, as in the case of my mother's students. Discovered illegal immigrants should be given the oppurtunity to gain legal citizenship.

1 point

Developed countries have no right to force developing countries to protect the environment when they don't protect the environment themselves. We brag about how environmentally friendly we are when we drive gas-guzzling cars, litter, smoke, and buy wasteful items. Hypocrisy is not something to be proud of. Developed countries should help developing countries to develop, and we should work together to protect the environment, not force each other to care.

4 points

Yes, in the past we have made some bad decisions (wars and discrimination), but we've learned from our mistakes to be openminded and to appreciate what we have. For example, Americans are born with inalienable rights (freedom of speech, right to bear arms, trial by jury, etc.), we have a say in what goes on in our government, andwe have access to free education. Other countries aren't as fortunate as we are and have yet to redeem themselves.

3 points

A lot of people think that schools kill creativity because you have to get up early, go through a schedule, and follow numerous directions. However, I think that schools actually encourage creativity. School is a place where we meet most of our friends, are invited to join different organizations depending on our hobbies (band, orchestra, sports teams, cardettes, cheerleading, theatre, debate, etc.), have the opportunity to be in advanced or remidial classes, and, at our school, we're allowed to wear whatever we want, as long as it's respectful. We're pretty much allowed to be ourselves, as long as we aren't being disrespectful or breaking the law.

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