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This personal waterfall shows you all of LouisQ's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

People have made the connection that profiling is a bad thing when in reality it was only implemented in order to keep the passengers of the flight safe. 9/11 showed the airport officials that there are certain groups of people in the world who would wish to harm the nation by using the planes as a weapon of destruction. Now by using profiling the security of the airport is able to keep a more watchful eye on suspicious people who may pose a threat. Most people know that walking into an airport sporting a turban and screaming at the top of your lungs isn't going to go well with the security so they may change their appearence to seem less suspicious. By using profiling we may be able to stop one of these individuals who would have gone unnoticed under other circumstances and thus keep people just a little safer.

2 points

When a man threatens to kill thousands of people we need a way to stop them before they can put their plans into action. While it may be inhumane we must do what it takes to make sure that our citizens are protected.

4 points

Torture is one of man's most horrific and abysmal creations but even with that in mind it is still a necessary evil. We all know that terrorism is very real and there are many bad people out there that will try to do others harm, because of this we cannot just let them do as they wish and wait until they have already set their plans in motion to try and stop it. Tortue is one of the worst creations of mankind but it was created for the purpose of combatting another evil that must be stopped. We try and pretend that we ourselves are good and just but if we always use these clean methods then we will never be able to defeat the evils that wish to harm us. When a terrorist has hidden plans to try and commit a grave atrocity we need a way for him to have to tell us otherwise we will never be able to stop it. We sometimes must do unsavory things in order to secure the greater good after all.

4 points

No two high schools are going to be exactly alike, some are more spatious while others more cramped, some specialize in specific learning fields while others carry a wide variety of courses. The point being that the high school that you may be forced to go to may not fit your specific needs as a student. If your dream is to become a national football player then you want to go to a school that has a great atheletics program. If you want to become a scientist and aspire to win a Nobel Prize in some field then you want to go to a school with high academic standards. By being forced to go to a high school which may not offer the courses you want or need to achieve your goals then those goals become that much harder to acheive. By being able to choose which school they wish to attend a more specialized and effective program of learning can be achieved which will help a lot more students than just deciding which school by area.

2 points

The law that states a president can only server for two terms is a relatively newer one which was set up so that one party could not control the government for extended periods of time. When our government was first formed under the constitution George Washington was the one who set the precedent of only serving two terms when in reality he could've served many more due to his skill, intelligence, and love that the people had for him. Franklin D. Roosevelt himself was voted into office a remarkable 4 times. This meant that he and his political party controlled most of the power in the government for 16 years. That's my entire lifespan right there under the same person. Now he was elected 4 times for sevral reason besides being an incredible leader by getting the United States out of the Great Depression and leading us to victory in WWII but that is still an incredibly long time. The two term law was put into place so that a person could not hold power for that long, because as history has shown us before when a person gets too used to power it becomes incredibly difficult to take it away from them. The two conflicting political parties also fueled its creation by allowing the losing party to not have to compete with an opposing candidate who has already defeated them two times before. This also casues a constant new stream of presidential candidates which ensure that new ideas and the voice of the people is theo ne who is leading us, not someone from who won through those means 12 years ago and is now running again without changing his philosphy with the times at all. The need for change and guidance from new sources is a pivotal part of the US govrnment system.

5 points

Many poeple want to deport illegal immigrants because they say they are taking their jobs or houses but if they are working hard for those things is it really wrong? If a person came to this country illegally but then got a job started working bought a house with that money that he had worked for and lived here then he is entitled to all those things. Those things should not be forcefully taken away from him just because he couldn't wait 10 years for a horribly broken amnesty system to process his information. Illegal immigration is just as the name says, illegal, but many people who do immigrate do so because of many factors such as trying to find a better life or escape from dangerous countries. When your homeland is being ruled by a dictator with people bein taken away and killed every single day you can't afford to wait years upon years hoping for a very slim chance of gaining entry into the country. If an illegal immigrant has been working hard for several years to gain the things he has accomplished such as owning a home and having a family then the government does not have the right to just take all that hardwork away from them. Illegal immigrants are necessary and make up so many obs that if they were to all be deported then our economy would be hit tremendously hard and would end up in a horrible state. If an illegal immmigrant has been working hard for all the time that he has been in this cuntry then he should not have to leave for no better reason than a corrupted and badly built system.

2 points

If a person asks you to help them with a project they will not just sit back and let you do all the work, because that isn't asking for help, that is just taking advantage of you and isn't fair in the slightest. So while developed nations do contribute most of the pollution they are trying to mitigate it, so it is only fair that the still developing nations must contribute their equal share of the solution and not just contributing an equal share of the problem.

2 points

The issue of the environment has been around for a while and now the world is seeing it as a major issue that has to be dealt with immediately. Developed nations are having to make serious concessions and are having to put many restraints and limitations on themselves in order to help keep the environment cleaner. A major reason they are doing this is because the nations suffering the most from the environmental issues are mostly the underdeveloped nations of the world who are not in the most favorable positions right now. It does not seem fair that the develepoed nations have to make concessions while the still developing nations do not when this is all for their benefit in saving their nations.

4 points

The United States has had a very complicated past full of conflicting ideas and beliefs which led to many unsavory acts being comitted as an effect. For example we needed someone to work on our plantations so we forcefully took slaves from Africa and even after we had established our own nation based on freedom they did not gain this right many many years, but as time passed many people began believing that they deservedfreedom just as much as we do, although many disagreed with this idea. This conflict led to the civil war which was a needless cause of death for millions of people. With this just small part of america's unsavory history in mind and looking at America now we see that still not much has changed in the minds of the people and we still have a ways to go before i change my mind.

7 points

I believe that school actually does kill creativity even though it may not be intentional. While yes there are many different types of electives for very different people these classes are still restricted by the rules and guidelines set by the district which are not meant to encourage creativity. The main reason though is when there are thousands of students it becomes a stifling environment where a unique person might feel scared to express themselves and may try to reform. This is how school kills creativity.

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