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This personal waterfall shows you all of KvnFo's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

The government should not be able to monitor anyone. That is a violation of privacy. That could lead to an abuse of power, and then everyone would be paranoid of doing something wrong. How would they even class someone as to being suspicious. They could also then pin everyone as being suspicious, thus giving them more control of everybody.

3 points

Having a Lousy father would be better than being fatherless. If you have a Lousy father you can look at his mistakes, and avoid them. Also being fatherless would be hard on you and your mom. You would have no example or any kind of person to look up to. If you need help, at least you have your father there to lend you a hand, even if he is lousy.

2 points

Murder under any circumstance is not right. A person who commits the act knows the consequences, and they know that they are guilty. I wouldn't be able to look at my spouse the same ever again. I would not be able to live with the secret of a murder.

So yea, i would turn them in.

1 point

At the moment, I would have to choose a Personal Pursuit, I have goals set and would like to have them accomplished before I can begin to help others. Although I do enjoy helping others, it is "I" who I must help first.

2 points

I think it should be taught, not from the facts that I know about Shakespeare, but what I hear about his works. His writings, are above "my" reading levels, therefor giving me somewhat of a challenge. I'm more neutral in this debate, but variations of new and old works should be studied.

2 points

I think Obama should be president, he seems really interconnected with people of all races. He also stands behind the students of america, He is trying to get teacher's higher pay, aswell as giving money in places where it is needed. He is trying to give students a better oppuurtunity of going to college. He is also helping the lower and middle class. To me personally, it seems as if Mccain is heading towards the way bush is, and honestly we need a change.

0 points

I think being well respected is better. If you are wealthy then you are likely to be "hated" upon, and then you wouldn't really know who your true friends are. If you are well respected people would be more caring towards you, and likely to be well associated with people. More people are likely to remember you after you have passed.

2 points

Definitely Batman, He is the definition of a Hero. He has all the money he could ever use. He could live the life that everyone dreams of, yet he goes out and gives justice to the people of Gotham, and he doesn't expect anything in return.

1 point

What defines Creativity? Is it who we are? What we do?

Schools don't neccessarly kill creativity, maybe they do depending on how you look at it. We are a little limited to our dresscode, our entertainment, and the way we can express ourselves. That is not to say the school killed it, because there are so many other ways that we can be creative. Personally I think that teachers could teach in a more creative way, or outside the box. Most of them take the normal route thus hindering my ability to learn, and hold my attention.

0 points

Well, I believe that is is better to be loved. Like others have mentioned, it is a human need. People will trust you, and care for you than if you were to feared.

0 points

Well, I don't really see why we would need so much surveillance, But why not? Therefore, in case there is an incident we get more views. Rather be safe than sorry kind of situation.

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