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4 points

I mean the government is always doing something shiesty to people in one way or another so they should'nt get to add one more thing to their list. Honestly who is'nt suspicious in their eyes?

2 points

If they took it upon themselves to commit the crim then they can live with and take the consequences for doing it. Clearly he threw what our vows stood for out his mind and didnt think of the out come or how it would effect our family. I would'nt just call he cops on him, but I would move out and tell him that if he cared about me an the family that we have together that he would turn his self in. I would also explain to him that he should would want to set a good example for our son (if we had one) and do what a REAL man should do.

1 point

Yes it should, he wrote great story's and has laid the foundation for many award winning books and movies. It is also a way for us to broaden our vocabulary and think outside the box.

2 points

I would definitely say no. Women have the tendency to think thing through more so then men we think of the pro's, the con's, and the consequences. A man's brain usually doesn't get that far, they will react just on impulse without thinking of the out come. Yes, it is true that women do seem to over analyze or over think things and are emotional, but over thinking is much better then not thinking at all and the emotion helps put passion behind everything we do.

1 point

Well in some cases I would have to say yes but it also depends on what type of torture. I mean lets just say some one murdered your whole family and didnt go to jail for some odd reason that the court wont explain, wouldnt you want them to suffer the way your family did? Of corse you would who wouldn't cause by no means should the crime go unjust but that would really just make you no diffrent from them just think of how devastated an hurt you and the rest of your loved one's were. No one should feel that pain

1 point

Very well put I completly agree with wut you were saying. its not easy to get respect nor is it easy to become wealthy both take time and effort. Respect you try to keep it close to your heart because it is hard to get back once its but money is usally kept lose.

3 points

Respect is worth more than any amount to me because its one of life's many essencils. Having someones respect is everything, and in some cases costs you nothing to get it.

3 points

Its better to be respected in my opinion. You could have all the money in the world but if people dont respect you it means nothing.

1 point

I completly agree with you. when you are loved, people tend to run over you rather then respect you.

5 points

I believe that when you are feared people have somewhat of a respect for you and your personal space. When you are loved people just love being in your face and bothering you when you jus want to be left alone. Im not saying that being loved isnt a good thing, but too much of a good thing can soon turn bad.

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