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This personal waterfall shows you all of Chelsear's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Depending on how the person made themself seem suspicious. If it's by like the color of someone's skin that people feel threatened then it shouldn't be allowed. But If someone did something really suspicious then it should be okay to keep them from threatening harm to others.

3 points

If I was married to someone who has an anger problem that bad and chooses to kill someone then I need to find someone new in the first place. But if I was to keep the secret and then somehow someone finds out about it, then I could end up being a suspect, which isn't worth the trouble. So I would rather turn them in, they deserve jail, not me.

3 points

People who plead insane may be able to come off as not guilty, but it's extremely stupid to let them off without and punishment. If they really have problems then they should be on medications and if they are and "forgot" to take it, then they should face the consequences. They can't get off free because that just gives people the right to do wrong. Show them wrong so hopefully it won't happen again.

1 point

Shakespeare may be a bit confusing to kids in highschool, but your teacher is there to help you through, that is their job. I read "Romeo and Juliet" in eighth grade. I loved the story, although I didn't understand completely while we read a loud in class, at the end of each section or so the teacher would go over and explain what was going on. Like Mr. Mountain does as well. I'm starting to enjoy Macbeth now that I understand it. Learning how to read higer levels of reading in high school will definitely help you out in college.

2 points

I think that women are more capable or sitting down and thinking of a well thought out plan. Men are more quick to jump the gun. In a situation of war, the women can think of strategies better. The men can do better in war and in physical situations. But women have the brain power.

1 point

Torture can be justified in some cases. If someone hurts a friend or family member, you have to make them realize what they have done. If you don't then that person will keep on doing it. If your girlfriend or boyfriend cheats on you and you choose to stay with them, then make them suffer! They deserve it for what they did to you. No to the point to where they end it, but to the point where they realize that they did wrong.

2 points

That is true. If you like having people close to you, then why like having people fear you.

3 points

Being loved is best because people will do things because they want to and show how they look to you as a good person. If they fear you then it doesn't show how good of a person you are, it just shows how you can intimidate people into doing stuff for you. I would much rather have people who are friends over people who are just scared of me.

0 points

I think that college tuition should be free because even if the child is a slacker, a really good college woildn't accept the slacker. It's not all about the money, it's about the intelligence. Some people can't afford it, so the best thing they can do is have the smarts. =]

4 points

I think that schools don't kill students creativity because when you come to classes and take electives, you're also trying to find what you want to be later on in life. High school is helping you step out of the box and realize who you are and who you want to be.

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