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RSS TrishW

Reward Points:4
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5 most recent arguments.
2 points

Profiling, which is considered to many being racist, is necessary. These precautions are used based on the trends of those who have infiltrated, or attempted to infiltrate our system. But there's also another side of profiling that most people haven't touched, and that's the fact that profiling in many eyes, is automatically assumed that we're covering racial profiling. You can profile someone who's acting suspicious, wearing shady clothing, or has odd luggage. In the end, it shouldn't matter if you are stopped to have a search because if you have nothing to hide, there's nothing to be worried about. The officials at the airport are just doing their job, trying their best to keep everyone safe.

2 points

Why would the developed country be cutting off the undeveloped country to try to help the whole world in the means of having a safe and clean place to live for many years? If anything, we shouldn't be cutting off these countries, we should be letting them in to our lives more, and helping them all we can, and help their problems, and their enviornment.

1 point

Whilst I agree to the fact that the developed countries should get the developing countries to protect the environment, I think the word "force" is a bit too strong. Maybe help, or to suade these countries that they should be doing things to protect the environment, and be willing to offer some advice as to what we do to overcome the pollution problems. I understand that these undeveloped countries have a poor economy compared to ours, but if we want this world to be a cleaner, friendlier place, we are going to have to have a helping hand, and we can't just force them to do things our way because they may not know anything about how we try to overcome pollution. We have to be able to give out a helping hand, and show them a smarter path to follow. Once they're on the right track, we can let go, and try to let them do what they think would be right for their country and people.

0 points

I wouldn't say that the pros outweigh the cons, but the establishment of the U.S. wasn't completely bad thing. Many great civilizations killed many other rivals in the area that they conquered (Which would stand for wipping out the Indians) and many other civilzations used slaves to get labor done, even in Africa its self. I'm not saying that it was a good thing that America killed off, and used people for hard labor, but it's the fact that our country no longer does these things, we moved on from the harsh past (unlike some countries) and that our country is free, and a whole lot more well off.

4 points

I don't believe the school kills our creativity, we ourselves control our ablility to be creative, and to think. Sure, there are rules and restrictions that we must follow, but you can be creative with so many other things besides school work.

For example, you have projects, add color, add your innovative ideas on them. If you're a creative enough person, you can think outside of the box enough to use those restrictions and rules to your advantage. There will be things that you think of that you won't be able to do because of these rules, but if you have the creativity, you should be able to think of something else. So no, the schools don't destory our creativity, it's our brain and the idea of being restricted that does.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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