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RSS Sterlings2

Reward Points:7
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10 most recent arguments.
3 points

Profiling keeps people safe so why should we remove it? It's like taking seatbelts out of your car except now your car can explode with hundreds of people in it. you want every safety feature you can have on anything you use, so what is the problem with getting pulled aside to see if you have bombs if you know that others are also being pulled aside same as you who might have bombs that would kill you otherwise? would you rather live a little embarassed or die?

1 point

Is torture the right decision? no. but can it be justified? yes. theres a very thin line but torture is justified in some situations. when torture saves the lives of thousands then it is justified but it should always be the last resort for making someone think the same way you do, after logic and reasoning.

1 point

put a cap on the amount of students that can go to each school, then give the students with the highest grades first pick. that way schools can't get overcrowded but you keep the competition that encourages schools to make themselves better.

1 point

If students could go to any school of their choice they would obviously pick the best one right? so competiton to be a better school would increase dramatically and each school would put much more funds ito making their campus a better place to be than others. without competition nothing has a reason to grow and get better.

1 point

If a president had the possibility to stay in office longer he (or she) might decide to make more popular decisions instead of the right ones to ensure four more years of being president, and with each new president you get a different viewpoint on things that the previous president didn't have. say one great president's only experience with homeless people is that they are taken care of and so he doesn't do anything about homeless people, but then the next is very sensitive to homeless peoples lifestyles but likes wars. Each president will have some things they can do good and some things they cant and by having more presidents you get more diverse views on how things in america stand.

-1 points

If they want to be here immigrants should come to America the legal way instead of breaking the law, and since they came over here illegally they don't have any kind of right to be here. I believe that if they are illegal AND they commit another crime they should be deported because we shouldnt tolerate someone who isnt supposed to be here who is making a legal citizen's life worse.

0 points

We should because we are developed and better and, lets face it, shoving around little countries makes us feel better about ourselfs. Especially when doing so makes us think "oh we are good humans because we are helping the enviroment." So by doing this we are saving the planet and boosting our self confidence. Its the obvious choice.

0 points

we should because we are developed and better and, lets face it, shoving around little countries makes us feel better about ourselfs. especially when doing so makes us think "oh we are good humans because we are helping the enviroment." so by doing this we are saving the planet and boosting our self confidence. on another note the developing country we force to be more environmentally freindly will develop as a environmentally freindly country that could come up with "green" technology and then help other countries become enviromentally freindly. yes it will be harder to become developed but the country forcing them should help economically if they fall into a rut because they are probably the reason the developing country is facing problems.

0 points

asdfsd? asdhgsiufghpaousdhopifhqwpofiuhqw. ajhedfipuqhwegiufhbpouahdoih, biuhrfuigheuihwer... eorhgpouwhpeoriugh.

-1 points

while we made mistakes in the exploration and establishment of the U.S. the benefits we gained outweigh them. we now have rights we never had before and a combination of different cultures that means the culture of the people we drove out to establish america never truly dies.

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