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This personal waterfall shows you all of Vicsahawneh's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

I do believe that the government should be able to secretly monitor suspicious individuals. Their job is to make sure that society is safe and protected and if it means that they should monitor those who look suspicious, then that's what they should do. However, I do believe there is a limit to their watchings; they shouldn't monitor individuals when they are changing/using the restroom/showering, although they could be committing clandestine wrong doings.

3 points

I believe that every boy looks up to an older man, mostly their fathers. Even though it means not having a father to look up to, I'd rather have no father than to have a lousy father. Life moves on, one might wonder who their father is but I wouldn't want to live in a household with a father who has no job, who sits on the couch all day, who is an alcoholic and one who basically has no life. Being fatherless doesn't mean one can't have someone to look up to, they can have a father figure, such as their uncle, their grandpa or their best friend's father. I'd rather not know who my father is than to be ashamed of him.

1 point

Speaking of this matter and actually experiencing it is two different things. But I believe that I wouldn't turn my spouse in. If he put his trust in me to tell me something so severe then I am not going to deceive him; I am going to stand by him and support him. However, I would sit down with him and try to find out all the details and what happened. Hopefully, my spouse realizes that he made a big mistake and won't commit the same crime again.

1 point

Although we would love this world to be perfect, its not; everyone is out there to achieve their own personal pursuits. But that doesn't mean that one can't also endeavor advancing the common good while achieving one's own personal goals. For instance, if one wants to become a rich doctor, then they should do that. And when they become rich, they can donate their money and their talents for medicine to help the sick.

2 points

I believe that Shakespeare's works should be studied at the high school level, but on the Honors and AP level. Shakespeare's works are very admirable and everyone should be exposed to them; however, I feel that some students at the high school levels do not respect and take his works very seriously. Shakespeare's works are profound and some people can't understand it.

1 point

I disagree with Jean-Paul Sartre's statement. Freedom means one is able to express and to act the way they feel. Freedom is one's own choice and "...what's been done to you" does not shape one's own freedom.

1 point

I believe that Batman is more heroic due to the fact that he is more susceptible to death. Knowing that, he still fights evil and risks his life many times a day for others. Unlike superman, batman does not have super powers which, to me, makes him more heroic.

0 points

When one is feared, they are usually more able to have people follow their lead. But who really wants to be feared? Who wants to have control of someone by force, not by choice? We are all equal human being and we should all love and be loved, not feared.

-3 points

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