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This personal waterfall shows you all of Taran's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

If my husband were to confided me that he had commited murder.I would have to turn them in I may love him.But living with a murder i would not feel safe or protected.

1 point

Well personaly i think it could go both ways.Because the fact that woman can be great leaders but so can men.There are lots of woman that are leaders of companies and lots of men that are to.I dont think ones better than the other personaly

2 points

Well personaly i think that most the time when your wealthy you are well respected because you are wealthy.Espically when you're really really wealthy most everyone respects you.I mean most the time they want your money like when you go to really nice hotels.They treat you with respect so you will pay them more money and will keep coming back.

1 point

i agree with her because shes right i mean why would u want to be feared.And when your loved it just makes u a better person of all.

2 points

it's better to be loved for me because i mean i would rather be loved then have someone fear me.Because i mean im a nice person i really dont want someone to fear me.That would make me feel like just hated by everyone thats not a good feeling.At least to me i mean everyone else is different so maybe they like to be feared or maybe it makes them feel better.

3 points

i think yes and no

because the fact that alot of people work for it some people just expect to get college free

the people that work for it and try and pass all there classes and dont slack off in school maybe then yeah they would deserve it

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