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This personal waterfall shows you all of Tamiyeb's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Profilfing is not the most acurate way of preventing terrorist attacks. What if they did use profiling to prevent attacks, and what if the a terrorist was a normal looking white guy? They would be too preoccupied checking what we all think a terrorist is, and let the actual terroist walk right on through the gates to the planes. Then next thing you know, we have a terrorist attack. Terrorists can be the people we least expect and who we don't worry about.

2 points

To an extent, torture is justified. For example, you can torture someone into doing something in a non violent way. Sometimes torture can be used in a joking/funny way. The only time torture is not justified is when it can determine the person's personal well being.

2 points

If students got to choose where they attend high school, then the most popular schools would be over populated while the others had small populations. Also, some students would also weigh their decision on sports and sports only. If all of the great athletes attend one school just because they were the best, where would the fun be in games, meets, and matches? This is why districts have transferring rules. If a student wishes to attend another school then what they're supposed to attend, they can put in a transfer to the school of their choice.

1 point

The president may have done a great job for the country at that time, but what if the term he is running for in the "re-election" party some major disaster happens in which he does not know how to react to the situation and our country begins to go under. Our governemnt needs change once in awhile. The president may die in the next term, but no one can officailly predict something like that. And there is always the possibilty that the new president is wiser, and does more good for our county than the other.

1 point

Presidents should not be able to serve more than two consecutive terms becuase our country's government needs change in it once in awhile. Maybe, the country's president does well for our country and everything is going fine, then two terms is just enough. He could always run for office again in a couple of terms, but after his first two terms we need some diversity. For instance, the new president could be the president who does wonders for our country. George Washington said that a president can only serve in office for two consecutive terms, he knew what he was talking about and we should respect his decision and thouhgt.

5 points

Illegal immigrants should be deported becuase U.S. citizens pay taxes for the illegals and they don't at all, it's not fair to the U.S. citizens who work hard to provide for their families and supply opprotunities. Some illegals come to the U.S. just to have their children be born as U.S. citizens to get the medical care, then go back to wherever they came from. It's almost as if illegal immigrants take advantage of the whole "It's a free country" saying. If other illegals can take the time to apply for citizenship, then all illegals can.

2 points

No, because we did not need to destroy civilizations in the process of making the country a better society. The government always talked about how everyone schould be created equal and yet, no one was. I believe that we did not need to treat other humans such as africans, and indians like animals just beacuse the americans were too lazy to do manual labor themselves. It just made major conflicts within the country.

2 points

I think schools do kill creativity because they don't let us express ourselves to a full extent. Schools have limitations on everything. Like, we can wear what we want but even that has it's rerstrictions. Some classes have restrictions on what color paper, and pens we use, that's boring! Most people think "out of the box" but aren't able to use their ideas because others think that it's over the top or too much.

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