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This personal waterfall shows you all of Stephie90's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I feel that they should if the person seems to threaten America and have proof before they do so. If they find nothing of any proof then still go through with it and they are still wrong, then they have to announce that they were wrong and make a public apology. I also feel that the government could use the “suspicious” acts to their advantage just to intrude on our constitutional rights so unless the have hard core proof the government should be put to shame by saying a public apology and how horribly wrong they were.

1 point

I feel that with either case it sucks but fatherless would be better because you could pick a good person to be your father figure. If you have no father then a person can always fill the shoes of that father and can give you some one to look up to. With a lousy father you are stuck with a lousy figure to look up to and it may cause girls to have a higher risk of dating lousy guys and guys have a higher risk of growing up to be a lousy father. Though in a fatherless case you may always wonder about what ifs but at least you have a good person to look up to. Any one can be a father bu not everyone can be a dad!

-1 points

I would say yes to some circumstances I would say yes but for others it would be a no I will not turn them in. I feel that if my spouse killed a person out of self defense or out of defense for another person then no I wouldn’t turn them in. Another circumstance would be if they killed a person for killing someone or something like I that, then no I wouldn’t turn them in. If they killed cold heartedly like rape, for money, objects and or just a pure disliking or a person then yes I would turn them in because someone that’s that cold could kill me.

1 point

I do not think I use one more than the other and I feel that most people have a well balance of both the common good and personal pursuits.

I feel advancing the common good is better because by helping others I help my self. One of the things I do is community work for the hospitals in my own free time. I help out my friend Disarray for free with her baby who just got out of the hospital. I am on call 24/7 for a family who has 2 kids with turrets, I seem to be the only person they trust with the kids because I know what to do and when to do it. When and if I can I try to help out the people around me as much as possible because you never know when ill need the help in return.

I do personal pursuits. Daily I better my self through education and I also hang out and have fun with all my friends and have fun for me self.

2 points

Pronunciation is a big part of the English language and so grammar. What Shakespeare’s work teaches your pronunciation and what proper grammar looks like. His work also teaches you how to think out side of your own box and at a harder level so you are better prepared for college and or a conversation with some one.

1 point

I feel like yes high school students should still study with Shakespeare’s works. The first reason is because it teaches you to think out side of your box at a college level. The second reason is because it teaches you to read at a college literature level. I also feel that getting more in depth of the old English language will also help you as a student and will teach you how to use proper grammar. Old English language will also help your speech so when you are having a conversation with another person you look and sound smarter.

0 points

To a point I agree with that because you make do with the cards you have been dealt. In a way that is not true because some people look at freedom as “you do as you please and have no rules” but if you think about it rules are what keep us all in line. I am indifferent to it I feel freedom is in the eye of the beholder and is one of those words everyone will have their own opinion about.

1 point

I voted for him this morning so I will vote for him now =)

In my eyes his economic plan will work out. Obama wants to tax the rich only but what will happen when the rich run out of money? He then he will have to tax the poor but we would have to be higher than taxes are now. I also feel the boarders should stay closed my grandparents had to wait to come over and so should other people.

1 point

It is better to be well respected because if you have other peoples respect you have the power of speaking your mind, ideas and getting your point across. If you are just wealthy with no respect people will see you as a rich person they can run over and abuse, plus anyone can become wealthy but not everyone can have others respect.

4 points

I feel Batman Is more heroic because he is human and has more to lose yet he still fights evil every night, while thinking of others before himself. Batman is also put in realistic situations so in a way if you think about it we could have a Batman in real life as long as he has the cool gadgets.

1 point

i feel it is better to be loved because if you are loved then you also are respected but if you are feared you are not respected and people will one day lose their fear in you and turn on you because they do not respect you

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