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This personal waterfall shows you all of Ray2424's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The goverment should be able to do this because it will increase the chances of us being safe.If goverment considers you a suspicious individual there has to be a good reason for this. Other than that you should'nt have anything to worry about.

1 point

When someone kills another being they must have problems to comitt such a serious crime. If my wife were to take part in a act like this i would have to turn turn her in because its the right thing to do so the victims family can know the killer is no longer capable of killing another person. also i jus wouldn't feel safe laying in bed next to a murderer after a argument ,mightest well be suicide.

4 points

The mentally insane committ crimes and sometimes get away with it because they are incapable of controlling there thoughts ang just lose it.There is no reason they shouldnt be tried in court as an evaluation to see how insane they really are. in some cases some people are sincerely insane and need to be treated. These people should be sent to a place especially for the insane to see if they can be helped and changed.

1 point

Shakeshaspeares work has been used in english literacy for years.His work teaches us lessons and gives us a understanding of the history during this time period. With us reading this different type of literature that were not used prepare us for morre difficult things at a college level.

2 points

Men have always been the primary leaders through all history and are natural leaders because they have gad the experience, not saying women aren't good leaders but men are the most dominant when it comes to the task .Leaders are someone who can get the job done and will have a great influence over a majority of people because there haven't been many female leaders in history. Even tho women are capable of being great leaders men will have a greater influence because of past leaders being men they are going to be followed by other men .

1 point

Torture can be used any many different ways to hurt someone it is one of the most effective ways to get to someone in vengeance or get information out of them, Torture is a form of suffer and pain, this can not be justified all torture does is cause more suffer to maybe the families of the tortured which may cause them to want to do harm to another maybe as a form of payback. Tortured has been used for centuries way back in the time of Christ as he was tortured him self , also through wars. Torturing will never be okay some people will may think different but they may change their minds if they are ever faced in that position them selves.

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